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Riot Fest 2023 Tour • Page 19

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by ItsAndrew, Sep 18, 2022.

  1. Tifoil


    Didnt knew Hot Mulligan recorder their show at Riot. Cool to see a proshot performance from the festival

    theasteriskera likes this.
  2. buttsfamtbh


    my back hurts again watching that
  3. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    They're always great, but this was one of my favorite sets I've seen from them, I'm so glad there's a really high quality recording of it
    anotherpancake likes this.
  4. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    We sat on the hill in the back and watched but it was a great set. Excited to watch the video!
  5. buttsfamtbh


    were they selling those inflatable chair things people were using or did a lot of people just have the same idea
    anotherpancake likes this.
  6. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Honestly, they spend so much time opening and/or co-headlining with other acts its hard to tell what the actual draw is.

    And to that end, it would depend on who they were paired up with. I doubt they would close a stage, but they would likely be direct support for whatever stage they were on.
  7. KindaFatMike


    All over the place. not for me, but Finch, puddles pity party, & scowl are rad gets though

  8. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  9. Would love to see Valencia and Boys Like Girls at Riot Fest.
  10. buttsfamtbh


    exceptionally bad picks. just let us know if there's a different location or not
  11. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    What lol

    They actually put a lot of good shit on that list
  12. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah I'm confused lol so many good albums on that page
  13. CuttingMyFingersOff


    Yeah I was confused. I fuck with most of their lists.
  14. Mike Dust 81


    I'm sure several of you will be happy to know Pantera is out for 2024 lol
    anotherpancake likes this.
  15. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    I can some hyperpop next year
    Tifoil likes this.
  16. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Apparently there’s a Blood Brothers reunion tour that’s dropping soon? Riot should grab them
    Joe4th, alkalinexandy and Tifoil like this.
  17. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Unless that band has had a significant shift in attitude since their initial run (and they may have!), I feel like Riot is something they would unequivocally say "no" to. I haven't kept up, but I recall them being pretty all-in on trashing all things "mainstream" and "normie" or whatever we might have called those things back in 2003.

    Of all the major festivals, the only one I could see snagging them would be Psycho Vegas.
  18. Mike Dust 81


    Pitchfork may be in play, but I hope Riot tries to get the Moldy Peaches
  19. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Don't they usually drop passes on black friday? That's a little worrisome no?
    ALT/MSC/FAN likes this.
  20. RogrStahlback

    Trusted Supporter

    They haven't even announced a date and location...
  21. Guessing they want to have the location sorted out before putting any tickets on sale.
  22. Mike Dust 81


    are there substantial rumors they are actually moving to a different location?
  23. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, I'm reading this as them re-assessing the location. I'm not convinced that they'll actually wind up moving... But I feel like they are likely checking out other options.
    troyplaysbass and Mike Dust 81 like this.
  24. The only thing I've seen is someone in here mentioning that they were scouting Riis Park.
    Mike Dust 81 likes this.
  25. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Nothing hugely substantive. Somebody said a friend told them they saw somebody measuring land or something in a Riot Fest hoodie at another park... Which could be something. Or nothing.

    But they usually have the location and dates announced at this point. So the fact that that is still missing is all the evidence I need to assume they are, at the very least, considering it.