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blink-182 Band • Page 183

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. if they don't keep Matt in the lineup, i'm sure this "reunion" will be the last. until they do another one in 5 years for some album anniversary.
    talltomaz likes this.
  2. that song is in the top 5 of Neighborhoods
  3. manoverboard365


    Bottom 3 Neighborhoods song for me :teethsmile:
  4. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Jason tells us what he knows he can and people on Reddit drag him. The internet was a mistake
    Phantoms and bradsonemanband like this.
  5. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    So how long after new music releases do we think people will start saying that every song Mark sings is about Tom and vice versa?
  6. that means you put at least one of these songs above it:
    love is dangerous
    this is home
    fighting the gravity

    CoachBalke likes this.
  7. if they don't keep Matt, we will know that every song is about him.
  8. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try.

    “Everytime I Look For You” and “Wendy Clear” are both in my top 10 blink songs and I’m gutted that I’ve never seen them played live and probably never will. Having seen blink in 2004, 2010, 2012 and 2017, I’d pay crazy money to have a set with deeper cuts. (I’m also happy with whatever the band chooses to do and will go see them regardless) Typing this also made me remember the +44 show I went to in 2007 and now I’m sad their touring days weren’t longer, that was such a fun show!
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  9. slimfenix182


    If they don't keep Matt then I guess Mark would be fine with blink officially being part time when Tom unavoidably flakes the next time

    I really can't be that hyped if it's just Tom. I'll have very low expectations lol
    TheJMan likes this.
  10. TheJMan


    Yeah I mean Mark and Travis would be fools to let Matt go because Tom will always be unstable. So when Tom has to “take time off”to promote his other projects they have an in house replacement there without all the drama. It would be cool to see all 3 do vocals on new songs and have two guitars on old ones. I don’t know I don’t know if Tom would be willing to take a little backseat to have Matt still with them. I guess we will see in a few days.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  11. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    Every day someone is going to claim today/tomorrow use the day until it comes to fruition. It's gonna be a bloodbath till this gets announced lol
    Phantoms and talltomaz like this.
  12. a deep cuts tour would be amazing, but yeah, that'll most likely never happen.
    Callum Macleod likes this.
  13. manoverboard365


    I rank LID and FTG above HAG and I feel absolutely no shame about it!
  14. HelloThisIsDog


    Looks like some dates have popped up on LiveNation
    smowashere likes this.
  15. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try.

  16. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    And beyond the deep cuts, I feel like we can say goodbye to the chance of ever hearing any Nine or California songs at all if Matt is out. I doubt Tom would ever play those songs (nor would I want him to attempt to sing them).

    Give people a few years and they'll start to become nostalgic for the Skiba-era blink just like they did with Tom. Everyone felt disappointed by Neighborhoods, but then when Tom left everyone started crying about how they wanted him back as if they had just forgotten what happened. haha.
    slimfenix182 likes this.
  17. Jdfleming89

    RIP ETID Supporter

  18. Phantoms and HelloThisIsDog like this.
  19. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try.

    Yeah that would be a shame, we never got the chance to hear NINE live in the UK and I love so many of those songs. Definitely happy I saw Matt with blink on the Cali tour at least. A four piece and varied set list would be a dream. Not sure Tom’s ego could handle that though. (I love Tom before anyone gets offended by that comment)
  20. This better be an untitled anniversary tour.
    Jdfleming89 likes this.
  21. Jason, like this post if you saw a MN date.
  22. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Oh god why are people speculating that No Pressure is going to end up on the tour
    Blink182Bouncer likes this.
  23. arewehavingfunyet


    I hope they make a new record with Tom that is so good that Mark & Travis themselves disavow California and NINE and pretend it never happened.
  24. Smee22


    I’d be fine never hearing First Date or Rock Show live ever again
    Murph likes this.
  25. arewehavingfunyet


    Parker Cannon was just a recent guest on Mark's Apple music podcast thingy.