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Balance and Composure Release Teaser • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    Number 1 thing I'm worried about. I thought Hyperview was ok and Peripheral Vision was quite boring. Not looking for another jangly pop-punk album.
  2. Jake Z


    Interesting. I have never seen anyone associate either of those albums with pop punk. The 2 styles have nothing in common IMO.

    I have been a casual fan of the band so may check it out, but don't really get them like most here do.
  3. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    Pop punk was definitely not the right genre name to use, but I couldnt think of a better one at the time...
  4. Yellowcard2006


    Very excited!
  5. GageStillAlive

    Still Alive Supply Co. Supporter

    *insert dance gif*
  6. SayHello


    I very much like Peripheral Vision, but Turnover was the first to do that "sound" and do it well, no need for another rehash / take at it.
  7. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    Cant believe people dont like the last album. I think it runs a little long but there are some gems that top the B&C catalog for me.
  8. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Last album was a banger, separation was a banger. This should follow suit.
  9. That clip sounds amazing
  10. For me, it's not that I didn't like it but that I literally didn't think a single song was better than the worst track off of Separation. It was bloated with unnecessary songs and parts of songs, the mix/master job was over-compressed with some levels all over the place (especially the overheads on the drums, yikes!), many songs simply lacked hooks but instead had long section of uninteresting vocals. Of course, there are some songs on there that I liked, but the record itself is just so inconsistent across the board that it felt like a major step back. It was their "cabin album" and everything that can go wrong when a band becomes more ambitious like that did.

    I still think pretty much everything else they've done has been great (I was never too into that split with Braid but I think I need to give it another chance).

    I'm also really hesitant about the clip - it seems they're trying to go Brand New-ish and whenever bands do that **coughCitizencough** with Will Yip the record that comes out just doesn't match up with that high level of quality. The only band to come close to emulating BN imo is Dikembe on Mediumship. I love that record.
  11. drewinseries


    For people in the marketing industry, is there a downside to not just come out of the dark with a new song? I get that it's a tease, just curious to see if it's proven/known that debuting any news of the album with a new song right away is seen as possibly negative to sales upon release.
  12. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    Def have the opposite opinion ha.
    For a band lik Citizen - songs like ring of chain, stain, dive into my sun; i enjoy more than anything off youth.

    For BC, it is the same. Parachutes, enemy, keepsake, reflection;all hit home way harder than anything off of separation.

    For both bands , felt like major maturity leap out of "angry" first record.
    nl5011 likes this.
  13. KyleK

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    Citizen has never really hit for me, but I definitely can agree with sensing growth in their follow-up release.

    As for BC, like for you there are a lot of songs that really hit hard in the most recent album for me, and Notice Me for example is plenty angry and sounds massive when performed live too. But to each their own - it's one of my favourite rock albums of the past several years.
  14. That's cool man, I respect your tastes. Personally I don't think Citizen have put out a good full release since Young States, with each one getting weaker, but yeah, different strokes I guess. I want to like all of this stuff but I've got to be true to what I'm feeling!
    Transient_Hymn likes this.
  15. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    trevorshmevor and Aaron Mook like this.
  16. FUCK I am so hyped
  17. nl5011

    Trusted Supporter

    Def sounds along the lines of the last album. I dig it!
  18. SayHello


    It doesn't even sound remotely close to TTWTWM, what are you listening to...?
    coleslawed and trevorshmevor like this.
  19. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    I literally have no idea what this album is going to sound like.
    The two teasers have me realllllly wanting to hear the single. Hoping they take as many risks as possible so they get some crossover appeal
    coleslawed and Aaron Mook like this.
  20. nl5011 Jul 21, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 21, 2016)

    Trusted Supporter

    I mean, going off of that teensy clip the vocal melody sounds like what he was doing on ttwtwm.
    I don't know how I'm not remotely close, it's the same band.
  21. SayHello


    ....Not really, but if you say so. And your second argument is pretty poor. I could probably come up with at least ten examples of bands that have gone through such a significant maturation process that they don't sound like the same band.
  22. nl5011

    Trusted Supporter

    Thanks for making me feel bad for having an opinion. Hope you got your rocks off.
  23. KyleK

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    Talk about some strong and sweeping statements based on like a 20 second passage from a verse. I'm looking forward to the album, have no assumptions about it, I don't have a strong reason to think it won't sound like Balance & Composure, and don't feel any compulsion to be argumentative about something as subjective as someone's opinion about an album teaser.
  24. drewinseries


    Looking forward to all of your reviews of the album based on what we have heard so far, should be enough to categorize the band and what they are trying to create.
    coleslawed likes this.
  25. Damn, I just enjoyed the clip, what is happening in here
    SayHello and trevorshmevor like this.