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Blink-182 – “Blame It on My Youth” • Page 4

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, May 8, 2019.

  1. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Hold up. I listened to another new song that was leaked but it had the same song title. The real song on Spotify is meh, this one however is very good.

    Dan O'Neill and Raku like this.
  2. Chcurry182

    Trusted Supporter

    Haha I was kinda hoping they would have been though. But I agree with you. They’re doing something right. I listened to it again and it’s already stuck in my head.
  3. That band's called 408. Their last EP was ok. (Song is "Quiet Hours" from 2017.)
    David Parke and Dan O'Neill like this.
  4. justin.


    I imagine Post Malone when I think of 2019 music. Hopefully Blink will eventually go down that road so they sound like my idea of 2019.
  5. somethingwitty


    This! At least in AVA the electronics make sense with the thematic elements in the songs, here it sounds like a grab at the Imagine Dragons, Bastille, etc. Top 40 pop playing at your local Target...

    Really hoping for something more along the lines of Cynical or San Diego to be in this record.
  6. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Cool track, seems like they're taking the Weezer approach and doing their best to stay relevant. Never will touch anything Green Day has done in my mind though.
  7. Tom Ed


    You know the concept of having a youth doesn't ever disappear whether you're 25, 50, or 80 right? Especially for a man in his late 40's who's been in the pop music industry for 20 years in which the vast majority of listeners are still in their youths or at least enjoy the nostalgia of their youth. I'm sure Bryan Adams' fans still love the hell out of hearing Summer of 69' from a guy who's cruising into his 60's.
    David Parke and justin. like this.
  8. seanxwilliams

    If you don't, don't

    It's... ehhh. Much prefer that new AVA song
  9. I used to buy Blink-182 notebooks and pens and posters with their faces and naked bodies all over at the local Target while their music played over the speakers.
  10. Lyric video:

    David Parke and oakhurst like this.
  11. Delysid


    More or less what I was expecting
    Raku likes this.
  12. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Oh dang hahahahaha they’re good. I’m going to check them out.
    Raku likes this.
  13. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I’m glad it’s different, though. California was great but I don’t want a California 2.0.
    palebluedot likes this.
  14. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Both of those songs already exist! Just go listen to them. I want something I haven't heard before.
    David Parke and BradBradley like this.
  15. manemox


    is this a Bleachers track?
  16. Chcurry182

    Trusted Supporter

    I am well aware. I know what you’re getting at but Bryan Adams was probably 25 when he wrote that song. Mark’s 49 and just released this song.

    But hey, as someone posted earlier, they make a lot of money singing songs about high school age stuff. More power to them!
  17. somethingwitty


    But we all have heard this song...there's nothing new or exciting here. Sorry for being a downer, I think my expectations were out of whack. I mean they're taking Neck Deep on tour and collaborating with The Chainsmokers, times change...
    AllenRicketts likes this.
  18. Former Planets


    I would too but I wouldn't hold your breath.
    Raku likes this.
  19. SFguitar


    This band really should have stayed broken up. Everything they've released post-reunion has been bland and they're just tainting their legacy at this point.
    Raku, DaveDalva and AllenRicketts like this.
  20. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

    Yeah. Not a fan of this. Glad Blink is keeping on being Blink though.
  21. Their last album was massively successful. They've created a new legacy for legions of new (and old) fans alike while bringing joy to millions. This is a silly take.
  22. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    How dare they make money/music with the band they created and the massive amounts of fans they still have.
  23. RileyWitiw

    more like Supporter

    Really dig. It’s a fresh interpretation of their sound.
  24. silentc


    Just heard the song and thought the same from the last few seconds
  25. IAmMikeWhite

    @IAmMikeWhite Supporter

    But isn't there a difference between singing ABOUT your youth and singing from the perspective of your youth? It is fair to say that much of their career has been the latter (and those songs can feel a little disingenuous), but this feels like the narrator is 49 and reflecting on youth. Might just be my interpretation, but I really relate to this song at 32.