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Coheed and Cambria - Vaxis - Act I: The Unheavenly Creatures (October 5, 2018) Album • Page 38

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, Jun 22, 2018.

  1. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    The guitar in the second verse of Lucky Stars is beautiful
  2. sukottokairu


    i think IKS is still my favorite overall, SSTB, GA1, and (probably an unpopular opinion) The Afterman (as a whole, i kinda see them both as one album) could honestly all be tied in second place. coheed is a hard band to rate and every album has at least a few top tier songs on it. but this new album is right up there, it's definitely their best and most cohesive work since GA1. time will tell to see if it can grow even further, i'm excited to see how a lot of these songs will translate live!
    unbornwhiskey likes this.
  3. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    no world for tomorrow is hands down my favorite coheed track
  4. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    The main riff still blows my mind
  5. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    mother superior, running free (fight me), feathers, gravemakers and gunslingers, justice in murder, the road and the damned, i mean cmon the albums stacked. THE END COMPLETE
  6. Bryan Diem


    Hound of blood and rank goes way too hard. NWFT is really really great.
  7. Bryan Diem


    Here We are juggernaut lowkey might be in my top 15 from these guys
  8. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    Hell, Radio Bye Bye has a stupid catchy riff too. One of their most fun to play.
    Joe4th and sophos34 like this.
  9. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    Justice in Murder is towards the bottom of this band's output for me (Radio Bye Bye too) but yeah that album is wall to wall bangers otherwise

  10. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    honestly i dont dislike any song on the record
    beachdude, Joe4th and waking season like this.
  11. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    indisputably one of their best choruses (and this band has a fucking lot of great choruses)
    waking season likes this.
  12. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    Me neither. I remember being slightly disappointed with the climax of the final track way back in ‘07 but I love it now. It’s the perfect 80s influenced arena rock/hard rock/prog record with the perfect amount of cheese.
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  13. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    ive always been on board since day one. i remember hearing it when i was 15, i was super into shit like avenged sevenfold at the time so flashy progressive pop metal was kind of exactly what i loved
    waking season likes this.
  14. vidiviciveni


    Pavilion is basically a Train song

    I don’t really mind
  15. sukottokairu


    can you believe claudio sings while playing that?

    also, the way the bass and lead guitar work with/around that riff is mindblowing. prog at it's finest.
    vidiviciveni and waking season like this.
  16. Bryan Diem


    Nwft>welcome home? Or at least =?
  17. vidiviciveni


    Ill tell ya this riff for The Dark Sentencer is starting to rival those
  18. christsizedshoes


    I respect there's a contingent of their fans that are really into NWFT. But not only do I truly dislike it as a record; it also seems to define exactly what the problem is (for me) with their post-GA1 career as a whole. I'd summarize it as trading off epic-ness for fluffy/syrupy feelgood fare, even though it's more nuanced than that (like, there were plenty of pre-NWFT songs with a syrupy sheen, but there was almost always a lot more beneath). Thankfully, a lot of those tendencies only make sporadic appearances on subsequent records, but they're frustrating.

    Considering the first 3 records have over 90% of the votes in the poll on the front page, then it drops off to 0 for NWFT, I kinda feel like I'm onto something B-)
  19. Muskheart


    I’m certainly not a big sci-fi fan so take this how you like...

    But just imagine yourself at the pub/bar with an old friend you haven’t seen in years.

    They ask what you’ve been up to and you say “just writing a story for lots of different media”.

    “Oh cool! What’s it about??”

    And you reply...
  20. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Dark Sentencer is still my favorite on this. Just absolute top tier Coheed in every way. 2nd place goes to The Gutter.
    amorningofsleep likes this.
  21. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I can't imagine people who waited to hear The Dark Sentencer for their first listen of the album.
  22. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I mean you’re only allowed to vote for one record. Obviously IKS, GA1, and SSTB are gonna pull in the most votes. I couldn’t vote for NWFT because I like IKS more. That doesn’t make NWFT a bad record
    beachdude, waking season and Joe4th like this.
  23. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    NWFT wears their classic rock influences on it's sleeve more than any of their other records, so if you don't like them playing that style, I totally get why you wouldn't like NWFT. But yeah, the title track is a top 5 Coheed song, and my go to song to introduce people to the band if they like heavier music.
  24. amorningofsleep

    No Fun. Not Ever.

    I still think the guitar bends in the chorus of "The Gutter" are my favorite parts of this record.
  25. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    I went from feeling really bummed that I didn't order the deluxe bundle to feeling bummed that this isn't clicking for me right away, especially since it seems I'm in the minority in that regard. I might just need more listens, but right now it's kind of all blending together, save for the first couple of pre-release singles which are my favorite tracks at this point. Maybe it has something to do with how so many of the songs are similar length and tempo, but I feel like the choruses aren't grabbing me the way many of their older songs did.
    sawhney[rusted]2 and Supernova like this.