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Pinegrove Address “Sexual Coercion” and Announce a New Album

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Jenn Pelly, writing at Pitchfork:

    Since late 2017, both the band and the alleged victim have focused on coming to a private resolution via a trusted mediator. Until that resolution was reached, Hall said, “there was really no way for us to offer any clarification” to their fans. It was the alleged victim’s request that Pinegrove take a year off from touring and that Hall enter therapy. “We wanted to honor that,” Hall said. “She recognized that we’ve honored it, and has since approved our plan to release an album and play some shows later on this year.” (Their mediator confirmed this.)

  2. indigopigment


    Hall and Pinegrove couldn't have handled this any better. It's too bad Allen didn't exercise proper discretion to begin with.
    Connor likes this.
  3. The Format Sep 26, 2018
    (Last edited: Sep 26, 2018)
    The Format


    Best news I've heard all day.

    Edit: :scream::scream::scream::scream: New Music Friday?!
    Connor likes this.
  4. BradBradley


    That is an incredibly well-written article.
  5. giantSRH

    Boss Hog Outlaw Prestigious

    Real weird situation mishandled in a lot of aspects. Glad both parties could come together and take necessary steps to move forward in a way that was respectful to the victim. Excited for Pinegrove music.
    Connor likes this.
  6. Merve

    Pennycan Champion

    One the one hand, I respect the article's effort to clarify a situation that was made unnecessarily unclear. On the other hand, it reads like a rationalization of the author's fandom in spite of a band member's misconduct; it feels weirdly exploitative, like I'm reading an article about private matters that I had no business knowing about in the first place. I don't have all the answers for how we should discuss these kinds of situations in the #MeToo era, but I don't think this is it.
    sureinporcelain likes this.
  7. indigopigment


    You bring up a good point, but it essentially was forced into the open by Allen's mishandling of the situation from the beginning. So while part of it may feel like it was written by a fan seeking to rationalize the situation, I think it's completely reasonable to follow up in this way.
    coleslawed and Merve like this.
  8. I am cautiously excited for this new era of the band. I think restorative justice is an important next step in some cases and this seems like the best way it could have been handled. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a longer conversation.
  9. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

  10. Not sure how to feel about this. I'll have to reread the article a few times and think about it more clearly, because I'm not totally okay with how things have been handled. There are definitely better ways to handle them, I think? I don't know the answers though.
  11. HarrisonMonopoly


    Do I have this right.....Evan Hall meets a woman. Woman is in a relationship. Hall pursues her while knowing she was in a relationship. She ends relationship to be with Hall. New relationship doesn’t work out. She tells somebody who takes it upon herself to contact the people that work around his band that he’s being accused of some sort of sexual abuse?

    I’m sorry to sound like such a dope when I wrote that, but this situation was always so confusing.

    Didn’t the woman from Punk Talks have a similar situation with the guy from Sorority Noise? Or do I have that completely wrong?

    I hope whatever wrongs were done are now made as right as they can be.

    This is a lot to keep up with.
    Pooch and The Format like this.
  12. SuNDaYSTaR

    Trusted Prestigious

    I know it's probably for legal reasons and whatnot, but I can't help but cringe every time I read alleged victim.
  13. Merve

    Pennycan Champion

    Be that as it may, that does not mean that her work is immune to critique.
    heymattrick and DesireToPlease like this.
  14. Can I ask you why? It's a common term.
    Saephon likes this.
  15. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    No, but in my opinion, it's incredibly infantilizing to think that she's just being a fangirl.
  16. oldjersey

    Pro STREAMER ON TWITCH Supporter

    Fantastic article, very thought provoking, just sent it to my girlfriend so we can have a discussion about it later tonight. Calling Jenn a fan girl is so damn disrespectful.
    coleslawed, Connor, sophos34 and 2 others like this.
  17. AVanMill17


    I have been eagerly waiting to hear the studio version of the song "Skylight" since a HQ rip of them playing live was posted to YouTube over a year ago. All the feels.
  18. slowclap.gif
    Connor likes this.
  19. rbf737


    Every live song I've heard online has sounded great, but yeah that one in particular is at the top of my most anticipated list. Can't believe it's just two days away now.
    Connor and AVanMill17 like this.
  20. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    So this is what a path forward after reconciliation looks like
    Connor likes this.
  21. reachingfor

    Regular Supporter

    This article is great and is worth reading all the way through. Allen made me incredibly upset and made me even more untrusting about opening up. Definitely glad this piece exists in this time.
  22. SuNDaYSTaR

    Trusted Prestigious

    Because it's been recognized by all parties that she is, indeed, a true victim and not just an alleged one.
  23. Bartek T.

    D'oh! Prestigious

    Not sure about lots of the parts in that situation, but I'm glad it took such a turn, I think the article is really well written, I'll definitely have some thoughts about it as well.
  24. Dust Of Fallen Rome


    The reconciliation is good and I'm glad they've reached some sort of solution between them, but I still don't think he should be able to come back. I feel abuse and being accountable for it should mean you aren't ever allowed back into positions like these, and him trying to relaunch this band is a shitty move. As others have said elsewhere, there are other ways he can make a living without being in a position of power like this one.
  25. Merve

    Pennycan Champion

    To be blunt, I'm far more concerned about accountability and community safety than the feelings of a single author on the matter. But if the latter are what we've chosen to prioritize, then perhaps this isn't the forum to voice serious concerns about a controversial article.