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Hit the Lights – “Believe in Me” • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. chcougar1


    I miss the days with Colin that was amazing stuff.
  2. bloodinthesand


    Not too bad at all
  3. Wow, you guys are having such visceral reactions. I just saw it as a fun song, not really drawn one way or the other. Yeah, mix/master is bad. Yeah, vocals are buried, but there is most definitely a hook in that chorus. The riff is straight easycore, which I can get not being into (I personally love this style of pop punk, I find it super fun and low stakes), but the riff is pretty good for what it is trying to achieve.

    I understand this is not even approaching the adventurous stuff on Invicta, but this song doesn't commit some cardinal sin.
  4. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    Loved everything they’ve done, but this song, just production to the vocals is a mess
  5. "Yeah, the song sounds bad. Yes, the vocals aren't great. Yes, the music isn't either.

    ...But it's not a BAD song."
  6. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    I feel like Hit The Lights is pulling their own Taylor Swift-style move here. And the results are equally bad.
  7. shawnhyphenray


    If the production was better it’d be great
  8. That's not what I said but okay.

    I said the vocals were buried in the mix, but not poorly written/performed (which, I infer you meaning from saying "vocals aren't great"). I said that I understand a lot of people have trouble with this kind of pop punk but I personally love it (as in, I get it, this whole exercise is highly subjective but I find the music to be very enjoyable).

    Let me be clear: I like listening to this song even though I recognize that it is a flawed product. I just didn't find the flaws nearly as problematic as everyone else.

    The song does sound bad sonically though, you don't have that part wrong about what I said.
    thetuningspoon likes this.
  9. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I really liked the last album but this is not good. The production is terrible and his vocals are hugely grating, both the tone and the melodies.
  10. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Christ that bridge, even the quiet bits sound fucking horrible. Awful production.
  11. warriorsam


    There are parts of it I like, but not enough to listen to the rest of the song ever again.
  12. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    Did they produce this themselves? Not being sarcastic, asking seriously
  13. Shrek

    can't be made fun of Prestigious

    i can't imagine being surprised that a hit the lights song is bad
  14. Jared Luttrell


    Song might not be good but it's funny seeing people jump on their high horse to dump on HTL. This band might not be anything revolutionary but when did it become cool to hate on them and people that like them as if they're cancerous? At worst they're an average punk pop band anymore. Comments like this are too edgy for me though.
    Analog Drummer and metallikunt like this.
  15. metallikunt

    I'm in love with the ordinary


    Still love these guys after all this time. This is different for sure but I will always check out everything they put out. I actually enjoyed this. Looking forward to the next one :D
  16. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    There's only one comment (directly above yours—not sure if you meant to quote it) in two pages that says anything negative about the band as a whole. No one is "dumping" on HTL. What we are saying is that this particular song is absolute garbage. If anything, the fact that people are disappointed by the song says the opposite about the band. We expect better because we respect/like HTL.
  17. Shrek

    can't be made fun of Prestigious

    this is "edgier" than anything in my post by a mile, lol. they're not cancerous, i just think they're awful.
  18. Jared Luttrell


    I get what you are saying but it's not just this thread, any time there is news about new music from them ever since the first single from Summer Bones there's been these replies. "I can't imagine being surprised that a hit the lights song is bad" is dumping on HTL is it not? People are entitled to their own opinions of course but acting like you're too good to fathom someone being a fan of HTL is just odd to me.
  19. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    I genuinely loved their music up until this song, really. So I can't agree with what you're saying. I also thought the majority of the Thief Club stuff was bad too. This is worse than that.
  20. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    I don't see that as dumping on HTL at all. "Yet another shit release from HTL...this band is terrible" is dumping on them. Having positive expectations for a song then being disappointed with the release indicates that you think the band is pretty good.
  21. Jared Luttrell


    He said he thinks they're awful in his next post.
  22. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    Right, but that's one guy in this entire thread. You're acting like it's a general trend, and I'm saying that, at least in this discussion, I don't see it at all.
  23. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    I straight up love everything they've done. But this. First record, SSSF, the EP, Invicta,Summer Bones, love it all. This is just a bad song man. Production to the jumble of an arrangement vocally on the way down. It just is.
  24. Jared Luttrell


    I didn't say it was a good song or anything like that, that poster's holier than thou condensation towards people for being fans of HTL just bugs me.
  25. thetuningspoon


    Can't hear the vocals in the chorus. Verses are fun though.