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Fall Out Boy Band • Page 49

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Kuri44


  2. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    I really feel like this album is going to be a complete dud. Champion is worse than Y&M, but both songs are just so bad. Ill have to see myself out of this one. SR&R is my second favorite FOB album and I liked about 3/4 of ABAP, so this makes me sad that this will most likely be the first FOB album I do not like at all.
  3. I, too, make up my mind about albums after hearing two songs.
    NewSurrender and smowashere like this.
  4. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    Guilty, I just really abhor these songs. I hope I am wrong.
  5. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I trust them to make something I'll enjoy. I've liked every album.
    NewSurrender and Jason Tate like this.
  6. Bryan Diem


    Don't forget to know exactly how you'll feel about an album that probably isnt even done yet.
  7. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Excited for this new one tomorrow. I still love Young and Menace when I hear it, even if I don't go back to it a ton. Champions does nothing for me, and I'm just a little concerned that they don't seem to know what direction to head, but hopefully the delay to January helped with that. I have a hard time imagining them releasing an album that completely disappoints me.
  8. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    That teaser lyric is such a Pete line which means I love it and hate it
    Turkeylegz, fame and mattfreaksmeout like this.
  9. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    I get what you are saying, but I think it is somewhat fair to think that based off the vibe they seem to be going for this time around, as well as sound, I could probably assume I am not going to be into it. I haven't heard the whole Neck Deep album, but based off the sound of the lead singles they released and not liking that style of the genre, I could probably assume I won't like it. Granted, I could be wrong and I could be missing out. As I said before, I hope I am wrong.
  10. But if you picked any Fall Out Boy album after their debut you would have been pretty wrong about the albums as a whole based on the lead singles.
  11. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    Fair enough. Then I will pull back and say that they have at least reduced my hype for the album. I will have to check back on the 14th.
  12. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I really disliked Centuries and hated the title track for AB/AP but then the album came out and I loved pretty much every thing else on there and now it's my second favourite FOB album.

    I'm interested to hear what else they have for this album, I was really into Y&M but Champion's kind of bored me.
    NewSurrender and mattfreaksmeout like this.
  13. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    If this continues the trend of the last few, I'll LOVE a few select songs and not like the album overall... we'll see!
  14. fame

    i thought this was chorus.FM?? Prestigious

    just realized the tenth anniversary of folie is coming up next year and it's fucking me up ngl

    also i thought everyone comparing 451 to fob was crazy but listening to i don't care for the first time since sf was released...i hear it
    Bryan Diem and mattfreaksmeout like this.
  15. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Not looking forward to the endless flood of people asking about a 10 year Folie tour that won't ever happen.

    And I'm glad you came around, I Don't Care is a great example of one of the songs that 451 sounds like.
    NewSurrender and fame like this.
  16. fame

    i thought this was chorus.FM?? Prestigious

    would honestly kill for a 10 year tour thoughhhhh
  17. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Haha I'm not saying I wouldn't be excited as hell if it happened, especially because a lot of those songs never got their due. It's just going to be a long year hearing about it. Actually though it hasn't really been like that this year for Infinity, so I guess that was more for the first 2 albums.
  18. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Peopl aren't clamoring for a FAD tour. That album is not good.
    Pepetito and NewSurrender like this.
  19. folie is their best album by a whole lot
    ECV, beachdude42, Joe4th and 6 others like this.
  20. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I haven't bothered with their last album yet, so I can't say which their best is. But it's absolutely not FAD. It has some great songs, but as an album it's a mess.
    NewSurrender likes this.
  21. NewSurrender

    Regular Prestigious

    Folie is overrated IMO. I will never understand how some people think it is their best one. Album was a dud when it was released and doesn't hold up now. However it gets a lot of support in this forum.
    Pepetito, irthesteve and Greg like this.
  22. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Yea I think you haven't been paying much attention over the last years. The fanbase has pretty much done a complete 180 on that album, or it's at least more 50/50 these days. I think most FOB fans I know consider it one of their best.
  23. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    In retrospect, it makes total sense they broke up after that album.
    NewSurrender likes this.
  24. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Is it a complete 180 or 50/50? Those are very different.

    Still doesn't make the album good either way though, tbf.
  25. fame

    i thought this was chorus.FM?? Prestigious

    wayne SINGS on tiffany blews. it's a good record
    Bryan Diem, beachdude42 and jordalsh like this.