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Circa Survive – “Rites of Investiture” Video • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Aug 10, 2017.

  1. Bryan Diem


    *bumps eternally*

    Hot take: Violent Waves is more consistent than BSN
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  2. honkytonk

    Narcissism on narcotics

    These new songs haven't done very much for me. Wasn't a big fan of Descensus either. Maybe they've progressed out of my realm of interest? Still love everything from Juturna to Violent Waves though.
    BigMouth and Bryan Diem like this.
  3. Alright, my turn for a hot take: I don't like Keep You for songwriting and production reasons, that mewithoutYou record, Pale Horses, was my album of the year (although I have some very minor qualms with the production on "Rainbow Signs"), and the new Menzingers record is close to my least favourite of their and I have loved the last three before it (I dislike After the Party for production and songwriting decisions, but mainly production). I don't know which Whirr record you're talking about but judging on my trajectory here I may not like it. We seem to just have opposite tastes. Sorry, haha
    Bryan Diem likes this.
  4. lolfpcmlol


    They are my favorite band to and I wish they would go back to Brian McTernan. I hate how this album, and the last have been mixed and in general how they sound. I still appreciate and enjoy to an extent everything that Circa has put out but nothing will ever approach Juturna and On letting to.
  5. lolfpcmlol


    I am glad you said this as I was actually thinking that I hated everything Will Yip touched but Pale Horses is my favorite Mewithoutyou album and he did that. I also like Seperation by Balance but going back to my point about McTernan, I liked their prior release more.
  6. Bryan Diem


    Hahaha fair nough, ATP does have some iffy songwriting decisions. Rainbow Signs is a classic Yip move where you have a moment that should be huge and crushing and it's just really quiet and weak. Keep You rules tho bruh, only problem is Traces isn't that necessary and the last track is really Yippy
  7. Jared Luttrell


    I'm with you man, almost seems like a purposely contrarian opinion haha.
    I'll always love Circa and give anything Anthony creates a try but I truly haven't connected with either of the last two albums like I did BSN and everything prior.
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  8. Ska Senanake


    Last saosin album sounds like it could have been on Decensus
    Bryan Diem likes this.
  9. Clark

    @yttebkralc Prestigious

    Will Yip is a good recording engineer and producer. I just disagree with almost all of his decisions when it comes to mixing and mastering.
    Damien Davies and BigMouth like this.
  10. mattylikesfilms


    Only two songs I love from Violent Waves is "Sharp Practice" and "Blood From A Stone".
  11. Bryan Diem


    I've recently come to LOVE the verses on BFAS
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  12. Almost seems like I'm the only person in here who loves this and is wildly stoked for the new record. But then again, I'm the odd guy out who thinks Descensus is the band's best work to date.
    Gooddayz and ImAMetaphor like this.