agreed. I can’t get into this for that very reason
After being stuck in a queue for 10 min that shit sold out. But not before livenation's website was being ass... saying I'm not signed in even...
Have you heard of Keith Semple by chance?
Sports have been going on for a long time during the pandemic. No reason not to play the game. Limited fans so it shouldn't be an issue. There...
According to TMZ, his label just dropped him.
I enjoyed it, but it was also kind of lame. I also thought this would be more than them standing in a studio playing the songs. There was barely...
Talk about overkill. At a time when people are having issues making ends meet, she decides to release 16 versions of the album?
Dang, they took it down for some reason.
True, but wasn't the Hella Mega tour already sold out. I'm sure that will be rescheduled if it hasn't yet. Green Day released their album in...
Fucking Hell.
Thank God I saw this. Didn't realize this was limited time. Thankfully it's still up today and I bought the stuff.
Wow, the Fleetwood Mac original is way better than this garbage.
Ugh this is awful. I couldn't even make it through the song. Ive loved everything Green Day has put out. Seems like this album will not be for me.
Agreed. Not sure why they called this their lead single. Wasnt Blame It On My Youth and Darkside release first?
This album is confirmed to be short as hell. 26 min. Green Day, Fall Out Boy and Weezer all drop new songs as they announce joint tour - NME