Self-titled and Cycles are such underrated albums it hurts.
Never heard of this band but I’m gonna go ahead and assume their name is a Kane reference which is pretty cool.
Rumors are already circulating that Tom is going to rejoin blink...again. If he does, then I love how it takes BOTH of his bandmates nearly DYING...
This is boring as hell. Chunk, No Captain Chunk is currently a better NFG than NFG.
I actually commented before finishing reading the entire interview where Deryck woulf clarify what he meant. My bad. Damn I miss Jerry though.
Seems like a shitty attitude to have, as if he’s taken for granted all these years the fact that he got to work with the legendary Jerry Finn with...
Another amusing example of a band coming out of retirement barely a year after their “So Long, Farewell” tour. Not that I’m complaining.
Green Day releases a new song. Gets two replies commenting on it. There’s something sad about that.
Haven’t visited these forums in months and wow I forgot how insufferable some people on here could be.
Really wanted to like this. There are songs on Nine that are way better than this.
My favorite band of all time continues their downward trejectory as I continue to get older. Nine had a few good songs on it and I still maintain...
Only two replies to this news? Really? Geez.
I’m curious what the budget is.
Tom is so insufferably pretentious about this stuff that it puts me off from taking him seriously, never mind the fact that he once wrote a song...