Good time to sell and hold onto cash. Might be dipping pretty bad for the next month or so.
Mk.gee is raw talent. He’s got something really special going on it’s refreshing. Loved it.
having to pay an extra $600 for 1.5tb more memory will pain me so much :verysad:. Pretty reasonable prices besides that I think.
on a 2019 MBP. It's near its end and I'm so sick of the stupid butterfly keyboard (I think I've had it replaced twice already). Kind of want to...
Rigging my rearview mirror to play subway surfers so city traffic is bearable now
It’s always been the opposite of this too. To the point where campaigning to the right just makes me think they’re telling the truth. I think...
only if it's because of the voice
Suck it AI, my job of counting the number of 'r's in strawberry and "drawing" blank white canvases is safe
"I know these names better than I know my own grandmother's"
Pureblood Knight's Medal that you get from Varre's quest.
I think my main save is on NG +2 so I'll see how that goes. I have a 125 too, I think it's on NG+. I started a new play-through a couple weeks ago...
Fucking GME again lmao. I sold a little and put a trailing stop on the rest of it I own, didn't put much into it to begin with but it's kinda fun...
stumbled upon this guy on tik tok and immediately fell in love with this. amazing guitar work. I'd love to see him live.
Wish I had known about the first time home buyer rule with Roth IRAs. I didn't put money into one when I first started my 401k because I figured...