Question for you guys about The 1975 store to see if anyone else ran into the same thing - I ordered the pencil pack (+ digital album) and...
Soooo, my birthday is December 3 and I haven't listened to the album yet. Waiting until my birthday to listen. What did ya'll think about it:...
Woahhhhhh what, why does everyone here hate Jared Leto?! He's a beast; literally. I feel like him/30 Seconds to Mars kinda sold out this most...
It's sold out now I believe, so don't do that! haha.
Did you get an update or are you still just gonna wait it out until they ship them? I was thinking about possibly cancelling my order because I...
Stupid care packages still on production delay. They were supposed to ship around August 24th, still not shipped yet. :( wondering if they will...
Has anyone else ordered the care package and not received it? When I bought it, It said it would ship around August 24th... It is now September...
BBC - Radio 1 - Home is this where we need to be?
Page 259 of this thread, somebody posted like a Japanese website you can listen to a 30 second clip of it. Someone else reported you can login...
I think we have 2 more songs until the album but I could be wrong...I think the reply was after GYAT was released already; and they said there...
Was there ever any update to what the MyStonerGirlfriend fiasco was? I remember during the 30-day countdown, people found information on it within...
I do but it just plays the audio/picture
Link for the Spotify video pleass
So how do you look up videos on spotify? I only ever can listen to the song, never find the video.
I will be working when it's on the radio, so I hope they release it and the music video after it debuts.