There’s moral and principal dilemmas here for sure but it’s all related to a tour that it seems some people are down to do while others are not....
Just seems like such a waste to leave a band you started with your sibling over disagreements about a tour.. obviously there may be other things...
Yeah.. maybe they are putting out a second record after all
What are the odds that the band is changing their name to Locus Ultra? I would never imagine them giving up a name as recognized as Underoath and...
Would be a massive bummer if Connie left SYSC due to disagreements about touring with DGD. I hope she can get things sorted with the...
Would rather have Voyuerist 2.0 over what they’re currently doing tbh
Luckyyyyy If you talk to any of the dudes after the show - please ask them about new material lol
Listening to The Needles The Space for the first time in years and damn.. what a beautiful record.
Oh, well that’s terrible then lol
It’s better than any of the records they’ve put out post-NA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Happiness Is holds up pretty well though and is easily their best record...
It was Fazzi and Matt Rubano who were trying to get weird with it and I loved it personally. They needed to switch it up but between going with...
IMO Matt Squire’s production on Erase Me is a hell of a lot better than the production the band did on Voyuerist (one of my favorite records by...
What a pleasant surprise to see all the New Again love in this thread! Definitely hasn’t been that way in the past lol It’s still in my personal...
I don’t know if it was because it was “too well” but it was definitely the producer who pushed Matt’s vocals off and that was obviously a huge...
Chuck Does This Look Infected? Screaming Bloody Murder All Killer No Filler 13 Voices Heaven & Hell Order in Decline Half Hour of Power...