Whoa Applebee’s with Byer next week!
Insane Pally story lol
Tv Off is insane
Season 4 is bad! The Changnesia storyline is abysmal! The fact that they wrote every episode not knowing if Chevy would be available is very...
Lmao Now and Then
I’m out of the country this week and have had more of a hard time with internet than expected so I wasn’t able to submit on time, but everybody...
Season 4 is worse every time I watch it. Only episode that I would put up with the average quality of the Harmon seasons is Herstory of Dance.
Multiple New Radicals songs is crazy lol
Rome is absolutely insufferable but good TV, hope he’s around til merge at least
If one of my tribe mates casually told me they were “playing with the machete”, I don’t think I’d be sleeping very soundly while they were around
Baffling movie. Phillips definitely thought he was doing something here but fuck if I know what it was
That is…truly bizaare
Definitely a great guest. Feels like a new fan favorite.