Lots of differing opinions on this question but I started with 2005’s THE SUNSET TREE, so I always suggest that first. ALL HAIL WEST TEXAS and...
Whenever allegations like this come up, I always go back to something I read about John Darnielle (of The Mountain Goats) when he talked about...
I’m going to try not to be hyperbolic when saying any of this, and I know I’m going to ramble quite a bit, but man... Julien is a just a truly...
So, I just found out that Ted Cruz would be appearing at my work for dinner tomorrow night in Bloomington, and that I'll be his server. On one...
I kind of really love the old-school ideology of dropping the main title at a house show. Totally unexpected and also makes me interested in...
[MEDIA] CM Punk & PT Cruisers are my brand.
JohnnyEverclear on Twitter. JohnnyEverclear on IG. feel free to add me. I'll for sure add back. Most of my tweets get traction but every random...
Nia Jax's is dreadful, but Bayley, Sasha, Becky, Asuka, and Evil Emma's all rule. Couldn't tell you what those new girls even sound like though.
Don't want to sound like a walking advertisement, but getting a Fitbit (Flex) was a real catalyst for all the weight I've lost this year. My...