I was doing it leading up to my date and then I couldn’t attend my date because of medical reasons sooooo I’m probably done at this point. There...
If I was able to go today: 11:00 with confidence (or lunch/merch shopping) 12:15 Harms Way 12:45 ice nine kills (miss last half) 1:00 Don Broco...
The used jumps off after tomorrow
I’m late to this. I’m also missing my warped tour stop meaning I won’t be attending the last warped tour. Money is tight and I told my wife...
If it were my day 12:00 reel big fish 12:35 don broco 1:30 wage war 2:00 hail the sun 2:35 trash boat (conflict with the amity affliction) 3:00...
If it was my stop: 11:45 wage war 12:15 hail the sun 12:45 the amity affliction (first 15 mins) 1:00 trash boat? If that’s what it says 1:25-2:15...
11:30 senses fail 12:00 four year strong 12:30 harms way 12:50 phinehas 2:00 simple plan 2:30 hail the sun ( conflict with state champs) 3:00 ice...
If today was my date 11:15 hail the sun 12:00 phinehas (miss last half) 12:15 reel big fish 12:45-1:30 break 1:30 ice nine kills (movement...
If today way my day: 11:30 harms way 1:00 state champs 1:30 hail the sun 2:10 don broco (conflict with wage war) 3:00 reel big fish (conflict...
My day if I went today 11:35 hail the sun 12:35 senses fail 1:05 wage war (miss last 5 mins) (conflict with state champs) 1:30 simple plan 2:00...
12:00 ice nine kills (double conflict with phinehas and movements) 12:30-2 break 2:00 the maine 2:30 harms way 3:00 kublai khan 4:00 wage war 5:00...
If this was my show: 11:35 reel big fish (conflict with the amity affliction ) 12:05 trash boat 12:35-2:05 lunch and merch 2:05 Don broco 2:35...
If today was my date: 11:20 senses fail 12:20 harms way 12:50 wage war 1:20 unearth 2:30 state champs 3:00 simple plan 4:00 this wild life 5:00...
If yesterday would have been my date: 11:30 hail the sun 12:00 ice nine kills 12:30 movements 12:50 trash boat 2:00 kublai lhan 2:30 unearth 2:50...
This is my ranking for the album: 1. Criminal 2. Crystal ball 3. Safe haven 4. Frozen 5. The fix up 6. Sidelines 7. Our time to go 8. Time...