Think I'm at this being my favorite of theirs outside of The Brightest Days, too.
I think "Cut the Bridge" is a fine enough song, but the production irks me. It sounds...unfinished and flat? It's strange.
This is really good, and immediate in a way I don't think Morale or DAMN were. I really, really like both of those records, but they both took a...
That article was great. Also ordered the poetry book right away.
I think there's also probably some underestimation of the simple fact that it's not the original band. Regardless of what anyone thinks about...
RE: the player conversation. I've had a Denon DP-300F for around 6 years and I'm still happy with it. I upgraded the cartridge to an Ortofon 2M...
Especially once it got to the point that they started holding back almost nothing for the general on-sales. If it's even a moderately popular show...
These are both a lot of fun. Vaxis II connected with me more than anything else they've put out in a long time, so I'm excited for the follow up.
These new shorts have had me thinking about seeing them back in 2019. Genuinely some of the most fun I've ever had at a show.
I assume all these pre-sales require a paid membership?
The controversy surrounding Emily (for good reason) makes me feel weird about feeling like her contributions to the album are very clearly the...
Fenway pretty much never puts up an accurate seating chart if it varies at all from standard. Sometimes they'll change it as the show gets closer...
The only bright side I can offer is that they don't do dynamic pricing or anything like that, haha.
Their fees are equally (if not occasionally more) exorbitant.
All Fenway shows are sold through MLB - including VIP when that option exists. Ticketmaster handles the platinum tickets only!