jumping in to say my Brand New History essay has a few more paragraphs added to it to keep it current. and now I'm gonna...
I'm having an existential crisis trying to rank the albums because I'm not sure if Deja is my favorite because it's the best or because it's the...
Vices is the best opener hands down. Vin Accardi and Brian Lane really bring it on that song.
I love it so much but it makes the record feel so final, like the end of the career.
Vinnie wrote Handcuffs and he has a really distinct writing style. You can tell when he's writing and when Jesse is. There's a lot of jarring...
thought you guys might like my History of Brand New piece. It's 3000+ words long (and I swear I do love TBS). It was posted on Tumblr in an almost...
I'll definitely be at the next Atlanta show! I'm really hoping to get my Life Goal realized with this tour and skydive with Garrett before the...
A friend told me reworked "Brothers" sounded like a Jimmy Buffett song and now I can't unhear it.
I absolutely love Out of Range. I loved that Jesse took a backseat vocals-wise, it was just so out of left field. I think that's what made the...
I think the reason festivals are so miserable is because it's outdoors? When I saw BN at Riot Fest, it had rained the entire day and I was knee...
Don't forget Glassjaw! I would sell my first born to see them play with GJ. I saw them both at Riot Fest in 2013 but it just wasn't the same.
I forgot all about bald bathroom banana Jesse and thought ya'll were making a dick/banana joke
I think I've said this before but my favorite bits of the new songs are the lyrics where Jesse seems to address the "Jesus Lacey" thing. It crops...
I hope they don't scrap Sealed To Me! It has a TDAG vibe to it, and I really like it.