with all due respect, fuck off. Y’all don’t fucking read. I clearly said that’s not what I meant. I’ve been called enough slurs in my life to know...
lmao what's your problem man? That's obviously not what I meant. I just meant to be on here calling a person names and this and that every day is...
sooooo true grimace
I think it's silly like none of this is ever that serious
that's actually so sweet
I just think it's easy to forget some people are human just because they have a following. Dude makes a few edgy jokes and suddenly he's talked...
I think I'll stop going in this thread just because I see enough of this kinda stuff on twitter. People's takes on this guy just bum me out.
they're taking an indefinite hiatus from touring btw
is the "OLE!" part kind of iconic? I feel like it will be. you can just say y/n
yeah im not one to complain about setlists with them ever but The Sound SHOULD be a staple its so iconic in the live show!!
currently doing the free trial for the criterion channel, i'd love some recs!
I have to say I was a hater of the sample but it's grown on me immensely bc I love the rest of the song in general
i feel like people can relate to almost anything in songs. it doesn't even have to be the whole song. just one line and that's enough to resonate...
One More Time needs to be the 2nd to last song on tour
the bridge on more than you know is TIGHT