V curious if they'll do the holiday presale like in past years and announce the dates/location. Feel like if they were gonna do it it would've...
Carmen Christopher’s special is my favorite of the year. Produced by the ITYSL dudes, if you’re a fan of their stuff idk how you wouldn’t love it....
Wish I could’ve swung it this year, hope everyone has a blast!
Did The Chisel drop??
If anyone’s going to Uptown Porchfest today my band’s playing at 2606 Aldrich Ave S from 4:15-5, come through and have a beer on me!
It’s easier to say this because it’s been easy to change plans since we did fully refundable bookings and all that, but I truly don’t care that...
Gonna have to pop into the church that sells those nachos and say a quick thank you prayer each night
Hell yeah this rocks lol
If it moves back to the city it will make this day a little less terrible as a Vikings fan lol. Not going to get my hopes up, though.
Portapotty contest is back, my buddy’s submission made it in if yall wanna help a couple of us get in free! His is “NOTP” lol....
Would love to, they rip! Impossible to not have fun at their shows. Been too long since I’ve caught one!
My band's new EP came out today, check it out if you're into stupid pop punk songs about getting blasted with your best friends. RIYL: Bouncing...
Yeah, I think our plan is to Uber to the fest and use shuttles to get home so we’re not locked into a specific time.
Schedule looks pretty good for me at first glance! The last couple years we've opted relax and watch the noon football games on Sunday before...
Got a new song out today called "We Will Kick Your Ass Too" - it's about kicking the asses of people we don't like (Aaron Rodgers, Young Sheldon,...