incredibly dumb that the playoff renders that result basically meaningless
Is steam deck OLED worth it? 512 GB LCD model is only 336 for Black Friday. But feels like that 512 gb will fill up pretty fast and the extra...
Forgot that big 12 had to get a team in. Definitely hurts Bama's chances -- could see them ranked above the Big 12 winner and just not get the spot
Can't tell if today's results show the playoff is cool or terrible. Like the fact that Bama can lose its third game in a rather embarrassing...
Between the thumbnail and the David like... Should I do this in public?
yeah he originally said he wasn't going to take the oath of office for the next congress, but I don't think that is binding in the same way his...
Is there any chance this was all some weird hail mary to try and minimize the damage of ignoring the ethics report? It sorta kinda makes sense in...
My understanding is that when Al Franken resigned, the ethics report into him was cut short and nothing was released But a) he resigned to...
"As we chart a path forward, the best thing to do is ignore the people who didn't vote for us" is quite the take
Not giving all the awards to dragon age simply to spite the incel losers certainly feels like a wasted opportunity. especially with there being no...
Remember when Keith Ellison tried to run for DNC chair and the elites all freaked out and made sure it didn't happen? Gotta wonder how much...
yeah just look at the states that start with even numbers vs odd numbers. they'll see it as a feature.
I'll believe it when I see it Either way, the point was never to actually get Gaetz in the AG seat Main purpose of the nom is to draw focus...
apparently house ethics report was due to be released on Friday and now it won't be cause he resigned.
Gaetz could also be like "you should go ahead and release the report". Something tells me he won't though.