I feel like this is a good place to bring this story up, but I had always loved reading as a kid all growing up and into college. I had dropped...
my kids are learning about seals & sea lions at the library in the next town over from us, and I popped over to the adult section to see new books...
I think my favorite non-fantasy or sci-fi would probably be Kurt Vonnegut, or maybe Catch-22 I'll echo the love for Cloud Atlas, and also...
what else has James Rollins written...?? for some reason I was under the impression that he hadn't written a lot of fantasy, and Moonfall was him...
I loved that one too a lot
I am absolutely going to try it again - I had just finished a somewhat similar sci-fi book that I absolutely loved, and it's a little hard for me...
I even feel like a jerk saying that, because Name of the Wind & Wise Man's Fear are good, solid fantasy books - it's more that I wish the level of...
yeah, I'm hoping your thoughts on it end up a little closer to mine haha it's funny, because I'm right with you on Starless Crown, but Ordinary...
I already love this song, you don't need to sell me on it so hard
tracklist --> [ATTACH] love the idea of this song closing out the first half
I've been singing the chorus all morning. definitely an ear worm. great song.
thank you! yeah, great song don't think it sounds anything like that We Are One song a while back, and thankfully
yeah I really wanted to listen to it again, because the first time is just me getting on their wavelength
song is apparently being played on the radio in a few minutes at 4:30 pm --> https://www.lpm.org/music/search-the-wfpk-playlist?player * edited...