bought for $54 each. Cheapest you can get now is $57 each. I’d sell them for $50 each. $100 for the pair.
Anyone interested in two tickets to the Brooklyn show for cheaper than Ticketmaster?
2nd stuffing date added
Whelp. I wanted Twilight princess and Wind Waker on switch. And some classic pokemon collection. But I guess a new Mario party, the legend of...
There is a very large crossover fan base wise. Jimmy was more about expanding.
they need to thank me at this point
The $100 VIP packages for a 7 inch vinyl, a leftover beanie and a signed poster (no ticket, early entry or meet n greet included) are a bit ridiculous
Super Kart bros ultimate would be fantastic.
I think it’s worth supporting companies who offer full complete products and don’t try to milk out season passes and a million micro transactions....
I think Bella did a pretty great job as young Ellie but I worry about the believability of her being brutal killing rampage 19 year old Ellie.
I wonder if emulators being wide spread on iPhone and resale prices being insane will finally make Nintendo realize what a gold mine they’re...
nope! The blood pact still bleeding me dry!
MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA Additional Variants and shirt