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The Wonder Years / Real Friends / Knuckle Puck / Moose Blood / Seaway Tour • Page 19

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by kidinthebushes, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. withchappedlips


    Exactly. You can continue going back and rewinding time, warped tours, another bled fest, they just love playing 7 songs! Thankfully, I was able to see Ace on a solo run recently and he was phenomenal and played a ton of jams.
  2. joe.boy.fresh.


    Where'd you get that vinyl?
  3. withchappedlips


    I actually made my first facebook purchase! It was the pop punk / merch wall, and some guy was interested in unloading a clear copy of it. I was really happy to be able to buy it.
  4. joe.boy.fresh.


    Damn! Is that the group name?
  5. Mister Lyrical

    Forging Clarity Supporter

    That tour was originally supposed to have Defeater on it. Definitely was an attempt to branch out in some ways. Even when Defeater backed out, they replaced them with Fireworks who I could never call a shitty pop punk band.
  6. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    not a fan of defeater but i mean it's still another all dude band
    fireworks is cool (though i didn't love OCL compared to gospel), but, again, yeah.
    i mean there's a reason there are so few women on warped tour the whole scene is toxic so
  7. BelieF


    What does the fact that they're an all dude band have to do with anything lol defeater is solid. Twy have some cheesy lyrics so? As a listener sometimes you want serious, sad, cheesy, angry, etc it all depends on your mood. Warped and many festivals can be toxic. I'm sure a lot of people would want more dudless bands on bills but you can't blame a band for being all dudes. The fault falls more on the consumer for accepting things and the promoters. Bands can drop in protest and be replaced.
  8. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    well yeah, i never said otherwise lol. bands should be pushing promoters for better tours or not use promoters that don't seem to care about getting diverse lineups. i'm not blaming TWY at all in this scenario, more of the scene for letting this be a thing
  9. kidinthebushes


    I don't think most people care. I know I don't.
    nomoretape, btr and Knifeparty like this.
  10. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    you don't care that 95% of these pop punk tours are all men? you don't care that there are women in good bands that aren't getting the exposure that men are?
    you are part of the problem
    NL, estacey99, Contender and 3 others like this.
  11. marsvoltamcr


    lmao this site is entertaining sometimes
    farva2, joe.boy.fresh., btr and 2 others like this.
  12. kidinthebushes Nov 19, 2016
    (Last edited: Nov 19, 2016)


    Not really. I don't care whose in the band. If I like the music, that's all that matters to me.
    farva2 and Knifeparty like this.
  13. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    so why not want bands to take out more women? influencing more young girls to be in bands and closing the disgusting gender gap that plagues this scene
    there is not an excuse to not try to bring out women
  14. kidinthebushes


    Knifeparty likes this.
  15. kidinthebushes


    But I'm not trying to start anything. I just don't really care about all that stuff. I like to keep music fun. I don't try to politicize it.
    Knifeparty likes this.
  16. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    It's like the people who say "Colin Kaepernick should stay to sports"
    "Don't get your politics in my sports"
    Jeez guys
  17. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    It's truly embarrassing to this scene to see how many people don't care about important things like this.
  18. heaththehorizon


    Am looking for a ticket or two for the show Wednesday in Philly. Slept on getting tickets and then stubhub prices went from 45 to 95 within like two days, so I'm currently screwed.
  19. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    oh believe me i know, haha. this forum seems to be almost on an island compared to the rest of chorus

    re: your next post you're so right! there are so many! mercury girls was so fucking good at the balance show last night. there are plenty of bands that totally could work on these tours but due to tours totally excluding these bands and not letting the scene even know about them. menz tour is great but disappointing, but bands like balance and joyce manor and the hotelier are really setting high bars for great inclusive tours
  20. ChicagoBowls


    I'm down for more non-male bands., but those mentioned bands aren't in the same scene as those TWY. I can see Cayetana do a tour with Hard/Cheap Girls. (Anywho) If there is enough demand for it from promoters, the bands, and attenders, things will come to pass.
  21. ALT/MSC/FAN Nov 20, 2016
    (Last edited: Nov 20, 2016)

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    As much as I'd love to see TWY tour with bands with female members in them, I would argue that, with their being fewer bands with women in them that it also might be difficult for scheduling to work and it could just be bad luck/timing. Just because there haven't been many TWY tours with bands with women in them doesn't necessarily mean they aren't asking/inquiring.

    With that, a TWY/Tigers Jaw tour would be awesome. PVRIS (though probably not realistic anymore), Laura Stevenson, Tancred or Petal would be sick too, and if they hadn't just broken up, Pity Sex would have been great.

    Also, I'm assuming Julien Baker is probably just wishful thinking at this point, right?
    redwing91007 and Turkeylegz like this.
  22. Turkeylegz


    I'd die if there was a TWY, PVRIS, and Julien Baker tour. It'd be different enough but with enough crossover fans to maybe work!
  23. nicksteinborn

    The Wonder Years Verified

    PVRIS is probably bigger than us in some markets at this point. :x
  24. Jonny Sniper


    Really bummed I couldn't see you guys in Charlotte tonight for the 11th time. Hopefully a new album and tour in spring?
  25. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    Yeah PVRIS is huge. Petal on one of these tours makes so much sense. Or TJ.
    Like shit guys, it's not hard to find fitting bands with women in it, hahaha. There's no one to blame but booking agents. Balance picked a band that nobody but locals knew, and blew everyone away.
    Contender and Joe4th like this.