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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 163

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Mtlman1331


    he did the co headliner with Garbage just last summer.
  2. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

    cringy edgy lyrics and a tryhard, idiotic social media presence for the sake of it...considering there's so many better bands in the scene, it's pretty easy to say fuck 'em.
    Morgan and Joe4th like this.
  3. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    That'd be a perfect pairing for Forest Hills type venues. Noel's tour w/Garbage I think struggled in some areas but I think that was due to the lack of overlap between fanbases (I was SHOCKED the Summerstage date here didn't sell out until day of).
  4. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Plus Noel co-wrote a song on TBK’s newest album. That’d make for a good combo (although I’d just prefer a Noel headliner, tbh)
  5. TMS2787


    Damn. Was hoping they’d actually get canceled. But those are valid reasons why I personally don’t mess with them.
  6. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    You were hoping that someone was a victim of something bad enough to get the band "actually cancelled" because you don't like his persona? Personally, I am rooting for less bands to be cancelled because less bands are doing things that they deserve to get cancelled for.
  7. manoverboard365


    Oh wow that's right! Thinking back I have no idea why I didnt go to that show. Pretty sure I've been to every Noel show in town since 2011.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    Hoping a band does something worth getting cancelled for because you don't like their lyrics or online persona is some real weird shit
  9. Rmourz


    “Damn this band annoys me. I hope they assault someone so that no one else can enjoy them in peace lmao”

    fucking psycho
  10. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah I'll be the first to say I do NOT fuck with that band whatsoever but also don't want them to do a shitty thing just because I don't enjoy them.
    DonnyFTW likes this.
  11. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    If having a whack Internet persona is grounds for disliking a band... Nobody would have anything to listen to. LOL. Social media presence for artists tends to either be bland/boring or totally insufferable in some way, shape, or form. Not a lot of middle ground.

    So unless the social media presence is legit problematic I kinda just tune it out and don't let that influence the music for me.
  12. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    I mean I think his glorification of guns and gun violence is definitely problematic which ruins the music for a lot of people. That along with the lyrics being incredibly juvenile/cringe makes it a hard pass for me. There’s so many better bands in the scene that deserve attention over that garbage lol
    Joe4th and twisterman2006 like this.
  13. Rmourz



    Won’t someone please think of the children?
    flask and digitalbath like this.
  14. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I know you're being sarcastic but nah... would not wear that shirt and would actively judge anyone who would. It's the bright red too.... Gives a 'wink wink - it's conservative maga colors but its really just an innocent pop punk shirt, aren't i cool? - wink wink' vibe.

    But then again I'm lame and hate bands that put curse words on their shirts and judge people who just go about their day grocery shopping or something with a giant Yippee Ki‐Yay mother fucker on their shirt.
  15. DarkestDayOfMan


    I mean like Heart Attack Man, don't like them, do what you want. I think it's pretty clear that their lyrics are pretty tongue in cheek, at least with their more "controversial" songs. If you've seen them live you'll probably quickly understand they're just a bunch of goofballs that don't take themselves too seriously, and explicitly going out of your way to say "fuck HAM" or complain about them simply because they aren't your taste is playing right into the marketing strategy they're going for. Any publicity is good publicity after all.
  16. 333 GANG


    It’s an extremely dumb shirt and the band was pretty bad, but in fairness, the defend pop punk slogan and gun logo came out before maga ever existed and it came in a variety of colours. I know this because I unfortunately saw a lot of goofy asses wearing them at other shows
  17. 333 GANG


    I agree with this to an extent but the singer glorifying guns isn’t actually tongue in cheek. He actually really likes them
    koryoreo likes this.
  18. wade

    *DX CHOP*

    It’s so crazy how much we don’t have to do this here. We can just wait for someone to post a new tour and be chill.
  19. CTFFEMT93


    This is truly one of the dumbest fucking arguments in this thread in quite awhile.
  20. HelloThisIsDog


    Heart attack?! Almost 700k people in the US die each year of heart attacks. Insensitive!
  21. CTFFEMT93


    You know people are allowed to like and have guns, right?
    109294 likes this.
  22. 333 GANG


    You know people are allowed to think they’re a douche for it, right?
    koryoreo, twisterman2006 and Joe4th like this.
  23. Rmourz



    Now wait just a minute partner…

    • taking HAM seriously

    • wishing they’d do something cancellable

    • thinking the hottest shirt of the 2012 pop punk scene is referencing MAGA

    • acting like guns are inherently conservative

    • clutching pearls over what an artist “glorifies” in their music (stay away from rap and death metal, kids)

    this thread today was an all time showcase for people with shit for brains. We just saw the 97 Bulls of bring their A game.

    that’s worth dwelling on
    TylerR, riotspray, mattav152 and 8 others like this.
  24. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    I mean, I don’t like HAM. I’m more of a turkey guy. My family has HAM every year for Christmas dinner and it makes me sad. We can’t have pot roast or something different instead :(
    109294 and Xpertguy5 like this.
  25. DarkestDayOfMan


    I admittedly don't have Twitter because I care too much for my mental sanity, and only see the occasional Instagram post from Eric but as far as I know he's just posted pictures with guns and saying he personally likes them. Which I personally would say isn't necessarily glorifying guns (because in that case there's going to be A LOT of artists that fall under this umbrella). But I might just be splitting hairs here or don't know the full context of something he endorsed or something.