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The Dangerous Summer - Coming Home (2022) Album • Page 50

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by TimeBandit99, Apr 27, 2022.

  1. mynamesgeneric


    johnthegawd likes this.
  2. [​IMG]
  3. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

  4. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Bryan Czap seemed cool when I met him at Warped years ago. But I think he's had some new projects since that have actually been pretty cool?
  5. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    If there was ever a time to have a downvote button...
  6. Atticus5143


  7. StartToday


    If they brought back an old guitarist, it better be Bryan!

    Have they mentioned when gravity is being released yet or what label it’s on? Can’t imagine it’ll be too long since their playing it live.
  8. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    Cody would have a worse hat. He'd be like the aforementioned douche in AJR.

    Indigo likes this.
  9. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    They (I guess really just AJ) would never bring Cody back.
    NiklePikle likes this.
  10. Atticus5143


    Like I know we’re all just joking about the hat but Cody is an actual bad person
    Phantoms and Micah511 like this.
  11. TimeBandit99


    The Singer of The Ataris wears that hat now occasionally
  12. Atticus5143


    I’ll make fun of him too, but he might throw a drum at me.
    Phantoms, TimeBandit99 and Greg like this.
  13. daldalian

    this is all there is

    I always got the feeling with Kris that he just hasn't been ready to embrace his balding for the last 20 years.

    Maybe it's the same with AJ, but I agree with the above post that the music has gone downhill since the hats started, so lose the fucking hat.
  14. Atticus5143


    It’s like when the ring starts getting to Frodo
  15. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Matt has SA allegations against him and he’s still the second worst human being to ever be in this band
  16. Ben Lee

    I drink coffee and dad my kids Supporter

    I’m staying relatively open to new TDS hoping AJ can snap out of it and tap into that magic again someday…

    but brining Cody back would be the fastest nail in the coffin for me personally.
    NiklePikle likes this.
  17. TimeBandit99


    I'd like to hear them return to a little more of a punk edge. I know they were never punk full on, but War paint had a faster paced distorted sound for most of it. I know bands grow etc but even their Self titled and Mother Nature had a few more fast pacers like Virginia etc... I think since the EP it's fallen into this mid tempo period which is cool to some degree, but I think it's time for some more upbeat rockers
    koryoreo, Phantoms and CAC3 like this.
  18. Ryan Coffman


    there’s absolutely no chance of this happening right?
    Phantoms likes this.
  19. razorburn


    Phantoms likes this.
  20. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    No to both those statements
  21. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    The band hardly makes any money for Cody to steal so I doubt he would want to come back lol
    mynamesgeneric, Ryan Coffman and Greg like this.
  22. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Seriously touring with Emarosa has turned me off from TDS for the time being. I want to believe they don’t know about the very public and obvious allegations, but given TDS history I can’t really give them the benefit of the doubt.
  23. seanxwilliams

    If you don't, don't

    Reach For the Sun is a classic and I really enjoyed Mother Nature, but AJ seems like such a fucking dickhead (big hat included) he makes it so hard to enjoy this band any more
    daldalian and Micah511 like this.
  24. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I tweeted at aj about brad being a predator and got a few likes from people and given that his following isn’t exactly big I think it’s safe in assuming aj saw it and just ignored it. Whatever, not a surprise just another day in the life of a washed up alcoholic emo frontman. Was all for giving him the benefit of the doubt before but between that and some of the stuff we’ve heard from Sam and just his general demeanor on social media it’s pretty clear what this band is now
    Carrow, ScubaSteve182, FTank and 2 others like this.
  25. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    I also commented on his ig post when they announced it and was completely ignored