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Apple Company • Page 776

Discussion in 'Technology Forum' started by Melody Bot, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Frank Lapidus

    Regular Supporter

    Proud boyfriend moment - my girlfriend was on the styling team for the new iPhone shoot and her work has been plastered all over this apple event. Super stoked for her.
  2. cryates

    Trusted Prestigious

    I’m a sucker for macro photography
  3. 3x zoom and night mode in telephoto wow let's go
  4. bobsheiskawy

    is it the same for you? Prestigious

    I'm probably going to get one of these 13 Pros, but I really just want them to do a phone with a flat back and rounded edges. The camera bump is looking thiccc in these close-ups.
  5. Dan CiTi

    ♎️♈️♌️ Prestigious

    is this like the Fujifilm cameras Film Simulations?
  6. These cameras are ridiculous.
  7. it's truly fucking mind-blowing
  8. 333 GANG


    Has there been no new AirPods today?
  9. Dan CiTi

    ♎️♈️♌️ Prestigious

    Looks great, still iPhone-y footage but it will be a big upgrade from my X. The macro mode is exciting.
  10. dallasc


    13 pro preorder stat
  11. bobsheiskawy

    is it the same for you? Prestigious

    Being able to change these video settings post-capture is insane.
    anotherpancake likes this.
  12. Dan CiTi

    ♎️♈️♌️ Prestigious

    Portrait Mode let you do that, as this is all done in software more or less that makes sense.
  13. mescalineeyes and dallasc like this.
  14. Dan CiTi

    ♎️♈️♌️ Prestigious

    I was lowkey really excited for the always-on display stuff, maybe that will be next year. Otherwise, a solid upgrade.
    Frank Lapidus likes this.

  15. cool stuff
    hermanthehermit likes this.
  16. cryates

    Trusted Prestigious

    Who the hell needs a 1TB phone?!
  17. 333 GANG


    Anthony Brooks likes this.
  18. cryates

    Trusted Prestigious

    No AirPods :(

    Definitely never believing the rumor mill again
    333 GANG and Anthony Brooks like this.
  19. people making movies I guess
  20. bobsheiskawy

    is it the same for you? Prestigious

    Kathryn Bigelow
  21. All the people that used to say "i want all my music in my pocket at alllllll times boo streaming"
  22. Dan CiTi

    ♎️♈️♌️ Prestigious

    People recording far too much 4K60 HDR footage on their phone.

    As great as the "pro" video features are - I personally don't like the lil computer I carry all day every day to be any kind of serious "workhorse" thing for me. But it is a great option. I can't wait to see what companies like Moment do with these amazing new camera features. Their anamorphic lens is rad.
  23. Cool shit, now Hannah has to decide what she's getting :crylaugh:
  24. Pro Max! if only cuz it would be a funny image
    mescalineeyes likes this.