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Hayley Williams Unveils Album Artwork

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Hayley Williams has released the album artwork for her new album, Petals for Armor. Pre-orders will be up tomorrow.

    i wanted to be the first to share the cover for my album, Petals For Armor, which comes out in May.

    shot by @LindseyByrnes, my very good friend and one of my favorite creative collaborators.

    pre-orders will open up tomorrow. you get more songs + another video too.

    MAY 8 [​IMG]

    — hayley from Paramore [​IMG] (@yelyahwilliams) February 6, 2020

    bradsonemanband and surgerone like this.
  2. benschuyler

    Regular Prestigious

    Cover doesn't do much for me, but I'm still eagerly anticipating this album!
  3. thecobrakais


  4. Brodobaggins34

    They fixed your brain when you were young.

    Kinda disappointed with how plain the artwork is based on how artsy and cool all the other material around this release has been. That being said, I think it's pretty timeless artwork and will age well.
    wrenleslie likes this.
  5. wish it was the photo of her in cellophane, but this shot is great too. excited for pre-orders.
  6. theredline

    Trusted Supporter

    Very cool. I’ve been preordering way too much lately. Now this. Curses!
    Chase Tremaine likes this.
  7. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    I'm confused there's a pre-order for an album but there's a Petals for Armor ep on apple music.
  8. theredline Feb 6, 2020
    (Last edited: Feb 6, 2020)

    Trusted Supporter

    I’m not 100% sure but I heard the album is broken into three parts. The EP just released is the first part. It’s got Simmer and Leave It Alone which we have already heard. Probably trying to build more hype!
    parkerxcore likes this.
  9. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    That's pretty rad. Appreciate the update.
    theredline likes this.
  10. MrSwetz

    ***** Prestigious

    Love this cover art, and love her showing off how she blacked out Chad's initials on her hand. Kinda drives home that a lot of this music is about her coming to terms with that situation.