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Four Year Strong Announce New Album; Share Two New Songs

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Posted this in the last thread too, but don't support this band. They actively employ/tour with JJR and Pure Noise sucks.
    falafelmywaffle and TuneYouOut like this.
  3. tobytobes


    These songs are decent, but I feel like not-FYS-like, somehow? Something about them seems slow or off to me.
    falafelmywaffle likes this.
  4. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    Never been a FYS fan, but I really dig this song and video...
  5. MacbethSin


    Really playing to their strengths vocally here, but the songs themselves don't sound super fresh to my ears at least. Title track from breakdown on is more what I'm looking for.
  6. cbronder1


    Stoked for the new record
  7. Pepetito

    Trusted Supporter

    Not bad, not bad at all.
  8. theredline Jan 14, 2020
    (Last edited: Jan 14, 2020)

    Trusted Supporter

    Good tunes. Title track is ok. “Talking Myself In Circles” is great. Has a cool PUP vibe!
    There are preorders up but maybe we’re on our own to find them since no link is posted....
  9. daldalian

    this is all there is

    I really enjoyed this, I'm down for more.
  10. jesseisabigdeal


    the verses in talking myself in circles reminds me of the verses in we've got a big mess on our hands by the academy is. anyone else hear it?
    sunkwiththeship likes this.
  11. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    I think it’s the chord progression for sure, that’s about it...
  12. jesseisabigdeal


    i was thinking more the vocal melody
  13. bestofmoss


    fys rules
    Pepetito likes this.
  14. alexbrew

    Just here for the comments

    Super into it
  15. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    “Talking Myself In Circles” has big GDIH energy and I’m here for it. Hoping they find that lightning in a bottle again. I think that EP is still the best thing they’ve ever done.
  16. Pepetito

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah that ep is fantastic
    parkerxcore likes this.
  17. laraheart


    Who is JJR? Keen to understand more about this.
  18. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Basically, a dude from the LI hardcore scene named Harry Corrigan was accused (and later admitted to) sexual assault. Christian of the Hotelier called out the situation and was threatened by this JJR dude, a key player in a lot of that area's pop punk scene. Tour manager, musician, friend to a bunch of bookers and other bands. He left a voicemail with Christian saying that he'd make sure that The Hotelier never plays shows in the area and that they're going to kick his ass or whatever.
    If I'm not mistaken, he also lied to a bunch of sites and said that the situation was cleared up or a misunderstanding when it wasn't.

    TL;DR version is that he defended and helped out an abuser and both of them are still working regularly in the scene.
  19. battlingaheavyheart

    searching for a former clarity

    Wow I'm glad someone else still remembers this.
    falafelmywaffle and OhTheWater like this.
  20. dtbjerke

    Regular Supporter

    Here is a petition from FIVE years ago that explains the situation (most of which is covered above by @OhTheWater ). According to the petition, John James Ryan (aka JJR) emailed @Jason Tate and tried cover for Harry by saying Christian was just jealous of Harry's relationship with the victim, when in actuality he didn't know either of them before the allegations against Harry came to light. According to this post, Jason was told he was burning bridges by bringing the situation to light.

    Unfortunately a lot of the info on this situation was on the forums.
  21. Correct. He lied to me to cover up for Harry.

    Also correct. Quite a few labels involved don't talk to me/work with me at all anymore.
  22. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    JJR also worked for TWY and they wouldn’t speak out for fear of burning bridges, so they quietly let him go but half the band still hangs out with him
    battlingaheavyheart likes this.
  23. DeRRek


    These two songs are class
  24. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    For this? Or something else? If it was for this, I would want names.

    Reading the situation with this dude makes me like their music a lot less. I haven’t thought about Brand New in years for the same reason. Good on you for being on the right side.
  25. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    Finally figured it out, it’s Mayday Parade’s song If You Wanted A Song Written About You...sounds very identical in the verses and even somewhat in the chorus.
    DeRRek and jesseisabigdeal like this.