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New Artwork, New Release Date for the 1975

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    The 1975’s album, Notes on a Conditional Form, has a new album cover (high-resolution version attached below) and release date of April 24th, 2020 on Apple Music.


    scottlechowicz likes this.
  2. GageStillAlive

    Still Alive Supply Co. Supporter

    That artwork:

  3. wrenleslie


    Ugh this is my favorite band, I try so hard to love everything they do...... but that artwork is so cringy.
  4. heymynameisjoe

    when the days have no numbers Prestigious

    is that confirmed as the new artwork?
  5. derekjd

    Slow down, Quentin Supporter

    Unfortunate about the pushback, but I'm not unfortunately surprised. Love this band, but I'll believe new record release dates when they're in my library.

    Someone mind describing what's so cringy about the album art?
  6. heymynameisjoe

    when the days have no numbers Prestigious

    dwpaulin and AVanMill17 like this.
  7. AVanMill17


    Agreeeeed :up:

    that being said, in the Notes On a Conditional Form thread there's some good traction on supporting a name change to Boot World. So that's something.
  8. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    I loved this band but I truly believe they're going to ruin their legacy and this album will be a disappointment like LP 3.
  9. AVanMill17


    You think LP 3 (A Brief Inquiry) was a disappointment? Assuming you mean "ruin their legacy" to you personally right?
  10. Delysid


    I guess they’re being deliberate with the risk taking
    Chase Tremaine likes this.
  11. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    I believe their album sales and future fan base will be impacted. I hope I'm wrong as I love the first 2 records and their live show.
  12. heymynameisjoe

    when the days have no numbers Prestigious

    i feel like brief inquiry is objectively a massive success... no?
  13. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    I could see why the changed the original cover, it was very formulaic for this current music climate, but, you can do better than this 1975.
    Analog Drummer likes this.
  14. Well. That is unexpected. Emojis on a Conditional Form? I mean I’m in as long the music stays as great as the singles have been, but I loooooved the old chaotic art
    Chase Tremaine likes this.
  15. elphshelf

    100% made of farts Supporter

    Could that just be for the digital version?
    Cmoney86 likes this.
  16. laraheart


    matt healy: "this isn't a climate record"
    also matt healy: earth tho
  17. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

    ... da fuq?
  18. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

  19. Brodobaggins34

    They fixed your brain when you were young.

    In light of the art, what are some of everyone's favorite sounding records that look really bad from an artwork standpoint?
  20. Steve_JustAGuy


    I grew up on Pen & Pixel artwork on hip hop albums, so bad artwork doesn't faze me.
  21. DearCory


    In an Instagram Live video the other day, Matty said the album was just finished and was just turned in. He went on to say turnaround for vinyl and pressing of everything is 3 months, hence why the new April date. So I think this one should actually stick!
  22. skogsraet

    Trusted Supporter

    Oh man. I love Anthony Green's Avalon but that artwork looks like it was made in MS paint. Luv Is Rage 2 could've had good artwork but the final product is a mess imo and it's one of my favorite albums of the last five years. Thursday make great albums but some questionable artwork choices. Tbh though I dislike this 1975 cover more than any of the album covers I've mentioned. Combined.
  23. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Kid Pix 101
    Dog Fish likes this.
  24. wrenleslie


    yeah I'm a bit confused by this whole idea. Ruin their legacy... based on the artwork? Or the 3 singles we've heard?

    I have to admit Brief Inquiry is probably my least favorite of the 3, but I still like it. And it was generally received very well.
  25. derekjd

    Slow down, Quentin Supporter