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Star Wars Universe (Rebels, Clone Wars, Comics, Books, Video Games) • Page 67

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Luke’s death, Han’s death, Luke and Leia’s moment on Crait, the end of Rebels, the World Between Worlds, the end of the Malachor episode, when Kanan is teaching Sabine to use the dark Sabre, and The Wrong Jedi get me every time. Luke’s last moment with Anakin. A lot of them have come from Rebels. I tear up a lot haha.
    Dodger likes this.
  2. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I didn’t the first time I saw it, but I was pretty sure what was going to happen as soon as that episode started so I was mentally prepared for it I guess. Hit me way more the second time though.
    Dodger likes this.
  3. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Have you flat out cried at any of them though? I also tear up a lot as well. In the last Jedi Paige’s death, R2 playing Leias message, Luke’s death, and Yodas appearance all got me at least on one viewing.

    The other movies I actually don’t think I have teared up though oddly enough. It’s more in the shows.

    And also yea in Rebels the episode after the big death definitely got me as well
  4. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    That makes sense actually. I think that’s why Hans death never really affected me. But I also thought the Rebels one was handled so beautifully and perfect and Hans fell short for me
    aoftbsten likes this.
  5. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I never really ball my eyes out at any of them, but cried for sure.
  6. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Oh and when I was little I definitely cried at least once over when that one Ewok realizes his friend is dead.
    Dodger likes this.
  7. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Lol That’s basically the Mufasa moment for Star Wars. I could definitely see that being tough as a youngin
    aoftbsten likes this.
  8. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Also speaking of Clone Wars 1. Teared up at Satines death this time. 2. I’m on the inhibitor Chip/Fives arc and I definitely teared up at the end of that the first two times I saw it.

    Basically Filoni is good at breaking my heart. And Kiners music is a big part of it too.
    aoftbsten likes this.
  9. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Kiner is so good. The Twins Suns episode of Rebels is top tier Star Wats music. He did the Goldeneye video game soundtrack too which in just ingrained in my brain.
    ship90 and Dodger like this.
  10. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    One of the biggest takeaways from this rewatch is how brilliant his music was for this series and how much it adds to each moment. His pieces for action are brilliant and so much fun. Obviously his dramatic moments have a tear inducing effect, but also he’s been able to do so many genres and adapt to different planets and environments with different instrumentation so seamlessly with still making it feel like Star Wars. He’s a fucking composition chameleon.
  11. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Man the Jedi were idiots. They found out Dooku was the one who created the clones. They just had a clone kill a Jedi and another one tell them a conspiracy that involved a chip that made them do whatever somebody said. Easy fucking math guys.

    And yet because of how revealing all this to the Senate would the impact the war they decide to bury it. Yoda: “designed by the dark lord of the sith, this web is. For now, play his game, we must...” NO! You idiots. You lost the game because you played his game.

    I do love this added level of corruption to the Jedi. Really just reenforces how fallen to the dark side they went. Belaying their principles and logic because they were so focused on winning a war.
  12. ship90


    Some reactions are out there from the advanced copies. I’m so excited for this one!
    Dodger and ChaseTx like this.
  13. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Alright. Finished. Once again Im baffled by the power of this show. I only watched 60% of it and obviously watched the best stuff, but Im willing to say that its my favorite Star Wars property, even above the OG trilogy. It has average parts but so do the movies really. The TV aspect just brings so much depth to the the universe and the mythology. Its able to develop characters and make me fall in love with so many of them. Minus the real-world verisimilitude that the movies bring (sans prequels) it has everything I love about Star Wars. The great characters, the great stories, the lore, the war, the action, the mystery, the lessons, the philosophy. Its so good. It made not only respect the prequel era, it actually makes me LOVE the prequel era just as much as the Rebellion era. It made me love Anakin, Dooku, Padme, Grievous, and other characters that didnt work for me in the prequels.It gave me the brotherhood of Anakin and Obi-Wan I didnt feel in the movies. It gave me my favorite character of all Star Wars with Ashoka. Im so grateful this show exists and that its coming back for another season and it makes me so excited how Filoni finishes it off

    Heres my favorite arcs.
    1. Yoda’s Journey
    2. Mauls rise and take over of Mandalore
    3. Ashoka framed
    4. Mortis
    5. Umbara
    6. Fives Conspiracy
    7. Nightsisters
    8. Jedi Youngling
    9. Onderon
    10. Domino Squad (its over a couple seasons but still counts to me)
    11. Citadel Rescue
    12. Obi-Wan undercover
    13. Geonosis
    14. Duchess of Mandalore
    ship90 likes this.
  14. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Also while Im annoying everybody with my nerddom and lighting up this thread here are some other thoughts I had I forgot to post.
    - Im almsot done with season 5 and Anakin has yet to be a main character. Its crazy. One arc focused on droids. One are focused on younglings. One focused on a rebellion on Onderon. And another with Maul. Literally the only episodes where Anakin is a main character is the last four episodes where Ashoka is framed. And yet its all so good. Theres so many good stories and characters that there basically is no "lead" role or protagonist.

    - The youngling arc is low key one of the best stories of this show. The Gathering of the kybercrystals and how that cave on Ilum works. Then having to contruct their lightsabers. So much added mythology and then Hondo being the antagonist. The comedy in this series is very minimal. Mostly with droids. But Hondo is the only thing that consistently makes me lol I love him

    -Its so cool to see Maul and Savage teaming up with Death Watch to assemble a criminal organization. Its basically the origin of Crimson Dawn. I still need to read the comic series that had the rest of his arc from the show that fills in the gap of how he gets to where we see him in Rebels
  15. Dodger Apr 8, 2019
    (Last edited: Apr 8, 2019)

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    We've got 4 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!

    To kill the time, lets continue the Episode 9 thread favorite characters list with listing our favorite Star Wars HEROES from ALL of Star Wars. Fuck it do Legends material too. Its all Star Wars. Theres a lot of them and couldnt leave off some so I just did a top 20 lol Well do villains after. I also ranked my favorite versions or performances/why they are that high in paranthesis because Im nerdy like that)

    1. Ashoka Tano (Clone Wars/Rebels/Novel)
    2. Leia Organa (Bloodline/Leia:POA/Empire/ROTJ/ANH/TLJ/TFA)
    3. Luke Skywalker (TLJ/ROTJ/Empire/ANH)
    4. Han Solo (Empire/ANH/TFA/ROTJ/Solo)
    5. Yoda (Empire/TCW/ TLJ/ROTJ)
    6. Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope/Clone Wars/AOTC/ROTS/Rebels/PM)
    7. Rey (TLJ/TFA/Before the Awakening)
    8. Kanan (Rebels)
    9. Anakin Skywalker (TCW///////ROTS/TPM/AOTC)
    10. Rex (TCW)
    11. Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM)
    12. R2 (fucking everything)
    13. Fives (TCW)
    14. Ransolm Casterfo (Bloodline)
    15. Lando (Empire/Solo/ROTJ)
    16. Finn (TFA/TLJ/BTA)
    17. Poe (TFA/TLJ/Before The Awakening)
    18. Chewy (Empire/ANH/ROTJ)
    19. Ciena Ree (Lost Stars)
    20. Sabine Ren (Rebels)
  16. I'm not going to break out heroes from villains. These are somewhat in order but I didn't put a ton of thought into it.

    1. Ahsoka
    2. Kylo Ren
    3. Luke
    4. Han
    5. Leia
    6. Rey
    7. Obi-Wan
    8. Thrawn
    9. Vader
    10. Rex
    11. Tarkin
    12. Ezra
    13. R2
    14. Sabine
    15. Hera
    16. Finn
    17. Poe
    18. Chewy
    19. Yoda
    20. Maul
    Dodger likes this.
  17. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Interesting seeing yoda that low and Tarkin hat high. I still need to read the Tarkin book though. I dig the rebels love. Ezra I always had a hard time getting on board with. Seemed like they didn’t really know exactly what they wanted the character to be. Lastly love Ashoka at number one and Rex that high as well!
  18. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    The order could fluctuate quite a bit, but it's roughly this:

    1. Ahsoka
    2. Yoda
    3. Rey
    4. Luke
    5. Leia
    6. Han
    7. Rex
    8. Anakin
    9. Obiwan
    10. Herra Syndulla
    11. Sabine Wren
    12. BB-8
    13. R2D2
    14. Qui-Gon Ginn
    15. Quinlan Vos

    Honorable mention: Hondo, Ventress (neither is really a hero, but they blur the lines)
    Dodger likes this.
  19. I really like the Tarkin book and I think the Clone Wars, Catalyst, and others flesh him out well. I hate the CGI'd Tarkin in Rogue one - I think they could have just had a person with his back turned the whole time or something instead of going to the lengths they did. I really like Ezra's growth over the course of the show. Especially the close turn to the dark side to him becoming a leader. And Ashoka is the GOAT.
    Dodger likes this.
  20. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    I appreciate the innovation and boldness to push the limits of technology in cinema. It’s something Star Wars has always been a forefront in. That said, the tech wasn’t ready and I agree it was too much. Far shots, low light, and reflections from windows should’ve been used rather than close ups. And definitely excited to get to Tarkin and Catalyst whenever I do lol
  21. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Also love that Heras high on both of your lists. I’d love to get more of her in books about her time during the OG trilogy.
  22. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Favorite Antagonists

    Kylo Ren
    Count Dooku (TCW version)
    Phasma (Loved the novel)
    Boba Fett
    Captain Canady
  23. Forgot palpatine on my list. Great in the Clone Wars series.
  24. Dodger

    “The greatest teacher, failure is”

    Still think Palpatine constructed the best evil plan in the history of evil plans with him being the puppet master on each side of a galaxy wide war. Love how TCW goes into depth how he purposely dragged out the war as long as possible so that the citizens of the Republic turned on the Jedi and were so beat down by it all and desperate for it to end that he became the savior for the galaxy. Fucking brilliant.

    On top of that just the pure wickedness of the character was so entertaining. Everything with him manipulating Anakin was great. The cheesy quotable lines are legendary. Can’t wait to get into the Darth Plaguis book eventually
  25. ship90
