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Warped Tour 25th Anniversary Speculation Tour • Page 19

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by theasteriskera, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. manoverboard365


    Yeah people should forget about MCR. They'd have much more money to be made accepting an offer from the Coachellas/Lollas/Readings of the world.
  2. Rootradical


    I have stayed in AC a ton and have never stayed there or have heard of anyone stay there. Just be warned anything not connected to the boardwalk or next door to the borgata on the other side is most of the time in a terrible area. I have had friends that have been robbed or cars broken into. If your looking for something cheap best bet is the showboat.
  3. Mtlman1331


    Yep anything beyond the boardwalk is taking a risk. Sure it’s cheaper, but cheaper for a reason. If you do stay at one of those hotels, still pay to park in a casino parking garage that has security constantly surveiling the garage.
  4. BackwardsDuck


    Any nice areas outside of Atlantic City? I'm will to drive an hour tops just so it's cheaper
  5. Mtlman1331


    Yea check Absecon, there are some other nicer areas outside of the shore area. Check Paulsboro, Williamstown
    BackwardsDuck likes this.
  6. DarkestDayOfMan Feb 27, 2019
    (Last edited: Feb 27, 2019)



    Someone posted this in a group I'm in on Facebook. No idea how legit it is or not. AILD in 2019 would be the most disappointing but totally not unexpected choice from Warped.
  7. himynameisdakota


    It looked believable up until I saw Title Fight.
    blinxspot, rbarlyo and SaveTheEarth like this.
  8. DonnyFTW


    That’s definitely fake. Real Friends is on the NFG tour that’s in California when AC Warped is. Dude didn’t even try to make it believable.
  9. bwh0005


    Im pretty sure TBDM said they'd never do Warped Tour again so probably fake.
  10. DonnyFTW


    Also Lineup announced at 10am est on Friday per Kevin on twitter.
    rbarlyo likes this.
  11. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Absolutely fake, but I definitely think the lineup will look similar to this
  12. DarkestDayOfMan


    Shit i didn't even see that. Def should have been the giveaway for me.
  13. Mtlman1331


    Also ETID is on the coheed tour then as well.
    Theemoflamingo likes this.
  14. monrovian


    SOTY please. I feel like I'll never see them again without roadtripping to one of their shows.
    ramomcferno likes this.
  15. young&menace


    nothing, nowhere & Boston Manor are also both in Madrid playing Download fest during these days. I give this person an A for effort on this poster though
    Jon and Theemoflamingo like this.
  16. Jon


    Yeah ignoring all the conflicting tour dates from other bands, TBDM made it rather obvious this was not their tour type/scene.
  17. Joshua


    That edit job was honestly better looking than some of the actual lineup posters
    ABRfan3295, ryanfears and Jon like this.
  18. Jon


    Yeah asthetically the poster isnt too shabby. And besides a few outlier bands (the bands touring and TBDM) it seems mostly reasonable.
  19. jjjjj98


    idk maps says there are 2 madison hotels so idk if thats a glitch or which ur referring to but i was reading reviews and one of them had bed bugs so just an fyi
  20. MysteryKnight

    Prestigious Prestigious

    marceting and Theemoflamingo like this.
  21. Jonny Sniper


    blinxspot likes this.
  22. Vince Sadonis


    After looking here, reddit, and Facebook, seems like the videos Warped Tour posted in the Facebook event give hints at who is playing each date. Warped commented to someone saying yes to this. Someone posted a bunch of the bands which looks pretty good, especially Starting Line. However, I noticed one band speculated, but no one has really talked about a lot about. Mostly everyone is excited for A Day To Remember, but the screen shot I grabbed from the AC video looked really familiar to me. On the left is Bowling For Soup and on the right looks very familiar to Blink 182 back in 99. The fuck on the amp was a giveaway. After some digging, warped then posted the tweet that had the same video clip. I don't know the specifics of fests and how far close bands can play a fest to another fest. I heard 50 miles, but Blink 182 was supposed to play my area last year, but cancelled. Rumors are they are playing this music fest here in PA in August which also lines up with Warped being a month before. Then again I just typed a lot and maybe thinking way too hard about this. Guess we wait till Friday to find out.
  23. shawnesty23


    What music fest in pa?
  24. Vince Sadonis


    Musikfest in Bethlehem, PA
  25. K0ta

    wrap yourself in petals for armor.

    I'm holding out hope that the reason that Anberlin still hasn't talked about the tour Stephen hinted at a couple of months ago is because they're waiting on this Warped announcement... :fingerscrossed:
    ramomcferno likes this.