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Blink-182 – “Rabbit Hole” • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Laura

    Bozo did the dub Prestigious

    Skiba makes everything better.
    Amber and mattylikesfilms like this.
  2. brandon

    Regular Prestigious

    This is solid. So far I've enjoyed every song better than anything on Neighborhoods, and I actually liked that record.
  3. heymynameisjoe

    when the days have no numbers Prestigious

    kind of echoing everyone else's thoughts here, but hearing two voices is a big win. hated how they got muddled together in bored to death.
  4. mattylikesfilms



    Travis goes beast mode on the kit on this song. Love it! I'm very excited for the record now.
    Laura likes this.
  5. uberlou


    Blink uploaded a lyric video. Better quality. Loving the sound of this and Matt's verse especially
  6. btr

    Trusted Supporter

    Lyric video is up on YouTube and the song's on iTunes
  7. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Not really a fan. I don't really like pure pop punk like this.
  8. thegreatbenbino

    Be excellent to each other! Supporter

    Even more excited for this album than I thought I'd be. Being from Chicago I've been a fan of Matt for a long, long time, but was still a little apprehensive about him being in Blink. I think any doubts I had are gone.
  9. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I liked Bored to Death alright, wish the joke songs didn't exist, and am middling on this one. Really interested in the album still, given how much Mark and blink mean to me I'm positive the album will have some value for me.
  10. Former Planets


    "How should we end this one?" "Uh, some whoah-ohs?" "Genius!" Kidding aside, this track is solid as heck.
  11. thedrudo

    Trusted Prestigious

    It's not bad. Really love the tail end of the song.
  12. Richter915

    Trusted Prestigious

    Big fan of the track, love that the band is going back to their roots

  13. jordanrenshaw


    Did anyone record the Travis interview? Came in to it too late, would love to hear the full thing?
  14. shogunTORTOISE


  15. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    Structurally this song is different, I really like it
  16. GrandAce


    It's good but I don't love it.

    Am I the only one not impressed by Skiba so far? Like he's a good singer (and waaaaaaaaay better live than Tom) but his voice is just so similar to Mark's that it kind of ruins the dynamic of having two vocalists to me. He sounds more distinct here than he does on Bored to Death (where I could barely tell it was him) which is nice but I'm still not wowed.

    It's not bad it's just a little underwhelming.
    DejaMoi, Raku and Kizwiz like this.
  17. ZeoVGM


    This is fantastic.
  18. kyleadams

    formerly thisisalchemy Prestigious

    Already stuck in my head. Damn.
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  19. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    On Spotify now too. That lyric video is excellent.

    The energy here has been missing for literally a decade. There's a difference between energy and pace - Neighborhoods had fast songs, but they never churned like this one.
    Amber likes this.
  20. h8bit

    @ghastlyfeline Prestigious

    man i hate their lyric videos. song is really good though!
  21. felipecardel

    formless in the night Prestigious

    oh my god that chorus. i want this album filling my (head's) insides right now
  22. artvandelay

    Importer-Exporter @ Vandelay Industries

    I love the architecture of the song, I can see this being imported AND exported very rapidly.

    I will forward this to Pennypacker. Lloyld Braun will eat this up.
    nl5011 and Kingjohn_654 like this.
  23. GEM37

    She haunts the roads

    Now this is what I'm talkin' about!!

    So much better than "Bored to Death," real energy and you can actually hear Skiba! Looking forward to the album!
  24. notbrokejustbent


    In all honesty, I doubt anything on this record will be the best blink song in the world. Love this song and I'm looking forward to this record SO MUCH but they just have too many A+ songs from back in their heyday.
  25. Blake Solomon

    Mr. Emeritus Prestigious

    it's ok, but am i crazy for saying it sort of drags even though it's not even 3 minutes long? i almost wish it finished with matt's verse and one more chorus and boom.