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College Thread • Page 61

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by devenstonow, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    I just found out this thread existed!

    I've been working a sales job for the past 4 years that takes me all over the world basically and it sounded so amazing at the start but it's totally not. I hate the travel, hate the actual work, totally don't fit in with the culture, and just ugh. It's completely sucked the life out of me and so many aspects of my life have suffered as a result, including my marriage (it's still great but we definitely went through rough patches due to it).

    Last year I made the decision that I wanted to be a nurse and I've been full force pursuing that since. Currently slowly taking prereqs for nursing school online because unfortunately I still need this job as it pays well and my wife doesn't work much due to pretty severe anxiety/depression. I start my anatomy & physiology class today and I'm hoping to start nursing school in either spring or fall of 2020. I couldn't be more excited to be broke for the next 4 years lol.

    Anyways this'll probably be my new home on this site.
  2. Dog with a Blog


    I'm trying to figure out which books I should actually get this semester. Last semester I got every single book and maybe used one of them. Maybe. Usually ends up being a waste of money.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen and danielm123 like this.
  3. danielm123


    Yeah, that usually happens to me, especially in math and science classes where the homework is online. I was going to not get two of the books because one was supposedly optional and the other cost ~$300. But the professor made the optional one required and the other professor said in the syllabus that the previous edition of the book (which costs $10 on amazon) is fine. So, it looks like I'm getting all the books this semester. Hopefully I actually use them.
    Dog with a Blog likes this.
  4. Dog with a Blog


    Yeah, I always feel like it's hard to gauge what is needed until like two or three weeks into the semester by then it's too late haha. I'm an English major and I've learned it's foolish to buy any reading material that isn't a straight up textbook as everything else can be found either in the library or online. The most expensive thing I'm buying this semester is an anthology published by Norton and that's only $65 so not too bad
  5. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Dawned on me today during “orientation” with my advisor that I will be working full time while simultaneously taking 4 classes (all online). I’ve never done this before. Last time I did “regular” semester classes was way back in 2007 and I didn’t work then, was just a lazy college freshmen. And when I took online classes before it was one class every 5 weeks. Little daunting to think of all this happening at once and classes start on Monday oh fuck lol. But I’d rather dive in with no time to think about it then plan a semester ahead and overthink things.

    Good news - school bookstore wanted to get me for $250 for 3 books. Ended up getting them all off amazon for $65 total. I just hope they aren’t beat to shit (luckily one is an electronic download so no worries there).

    I just wish more of my credits transferred from that bumfuck University or Phoenix (super easy to graduate but costs a metric shit-ton, my 4 classes now equal what I was paying for one class at Phoenix)
    Dog with a Blog likes this.
  6. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    this semester I only needed to buy an iclicker for a history class and a book for english so it came out to around $130 and i'll likely sell them both back after the semester ends.
  7. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    the only book you need is the good book, the Bible my good sir
    Mrplum5089 and Dog with a Blog like this.
  8. Dog with a Blog


    Hmm true. I will be sure to tell my California professors this.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  9. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    You go to Biola too?
    Dog with a Blog likes this.
  10. Dog with a Blog


    Nahhhh, Cal State Long Beach. You’re at Biola?
  11. Dog with a Blog


    Also, my favorite part of this thread is when the semester is ending and everyone in here is crying and on the verge of insanity. It’s gonna be a good one this semester I can feel it.
    supernovagirl likes this.
  12. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I got an 100% on this so that rules a lot

    it turns out he gave me an F because I mistitled it so he thought I did something else. I explained and he re-graded it and gave me a C which is fine by me.
    Dog with a Blog likes this.
  13. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    Nah I’m in Physical Therapy school
    Dog with a Blog likes this.
  14. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    second quiz in a row where I didn't 100% despite it being an open book quiz

    college is a scam and I am terrible

    (i'll do better next time)
  15. lostawholeyear

    Regular Prestigious

    One of my online classes uses lockdown browser for quizzes and it's not supported on Chromebooks. So I had to buy a laptop for one, single class >:-(. Luckily I found a used 2009 model Dell on Amazon for $100.
  16. Dog with a Blog


    First day of classes tomorrow. Good thing I made plans to go drinking with friends tonight
    marsupial jones likes this.
  17. Dog with a Blog


    First class is at 12. I get there at 10 and literally drive around looking for parking for over an hour. I finally just decided to park in a neighborhood like 5 minutes away and get a Lyft. This is ridiculous lol. We honestly need at least twice as much parking space as we have.
  18. danielm123


    So, the other day I got a notification that two of my classes had a room change (same professor for both classes and got switched to the same room). I get to the building and look for the room, but it doesn't exist! Seriously, there is no room with that number in the entire building. I paced around the building trying to figure out what to do until I ran into someone else from my class who said that the announcement gave the wrong room. Somehow everyone else knew which room it was in. A bit of a stressful way to start the new semester.
    ChiliTacos and Dog with a Blog like this.
  19. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Glad my classes are all online. Tough start for you guys lol.

    Anxious to get home and dive in. Feeling good about it, but just want to get the ball rolling.
    ChiliTacos and Dog with a Blog like this.
  20. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    i know it's early to say this but, I'M GONNA FUCKING DOMINATE THESE CLASSES.

    the one thing i really hate about college courses, especially since i've been working in the "real world" for the last decade + is that the majority of things in college do not apply to real life - i.e. writing papers. no one writes papers in the business world or has to use sources. fuck, i was in a meeting today and if we needed to know how to do something we just googled it or asked Siri for god's sake. i thought after all this time that education would be a little more up to date, but it's really a lot like it was way back when, only now we download stuff instead of having hard copies (most of the time).

    i do enjoy learning and discovering new things, but the structure of how to get the information and then "passing" or "failing" with that information based on an antiquated measuring stick that isn't used in real life seems really illogical to me.
    danielm123 likes this.
  21. Steve_JustAGuy


    Not in college, just dropping in to say you're all going to crush it this semester.
  22. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I'm at that part right now where I can't keep myself focused on my homework/studying and I legit just want to throw away all my electronics.
  23. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    In my anatomy class, literally every homework and lab assignment you can check your answer before submitting it, so in theory it should be impossible to not get all available points for them. Any yet, I thought I was a big shot and so sure of one question that I submitted it before checking, and it was wrong. :crylaugh:
    marsupial jones likes this.
  24. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I feel you
    ChiliTacos likes this.
  25. TedSchmosby


    What are you taking??