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Alkaline Trio - Is This Thing Cursed? (August 31, 2018) Album • Page 35

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    Oh yeah. The hosts of the As You Were podcast are pretty hard on the post-Crimson albums, and one of them has the new record already and said that “people have a reason to be excited” for this album.
    JRGComedy likes this.
  2. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    Also I highly recommend the latest episode of As You Were. They discuss “Bleeder” and it gets pretty emotional.
    JRGComedy likes this.
  3. broken22


    What episode ?
  4. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    I think it was the most recent one, Bleeder.
  5. broken22


    Kerrang has a pretty big article/interview on our boys, hopefully I can post the screen shots. It's an awesome read, the way Matt and Dan are talking in it warms my heart. I love that they both get offended when they hear from people that Trio are done.
    inwaves likes this.
  6. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    Please do!
  7. DannyZach


    Doooooo it for the boys!!!
    inwaves likes this.
  8. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    That Bleeder episode was so good
  9. slimfenix182


    Does anyone know the deal with Fire Down Below? Was it from the Crimson sessions? I've been listening to that a ton lately. Such a good song
  10. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    When I started listening, I was put off by how negative they were on the newer material, but I’ve come around to understanding their point of view even if I don’t agree. I’m a full blown fan now and even started donating to their Patreon.
    JRGComedy likes this.
  11. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    I know it came out in 2007. Fantastic song. I don’t think it came from the Crimson sessions since it’s not on Remains.
  12. slimfenix182


    Oh yeah good point. Man their B-sides are so good haha
  13. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Haha, I think even they've softened on the newer material a little bit as time has passed. And even if they are hard on it, I agree that they explain why very well. I really dig the podcast and it got me to go back and listen to some oldies I never connected with (Bleeder, My Friend Peter, etc.)
    welcometobangkok and inwaves like this.
  14. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    Gah I know. Remains and S/T rival any of their best albums.
    amorningofsleep and slimfenix182 like this.
  15. TheJMan


    The only bands that can remotely say that they have B-sides even in the same quality as the Trio is NFG and Jimmy Eat World.
  16. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    I was at a local bar the other day and someone played "Hell Yes" and I regret not seeking them out and becoming their friend
  17. TheJMan


    I was at a big chain grocery store over the weekend and "Help Me" was randomly played. Completely random especially since the store usually plays the golden oldies.
  18. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

    I remember back in 2008 hearing “Help Me” playing on the little radio my dad has in his office at work. It was so strange haha.
    TheJMan likes this.
  19. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    A guy at karaoke a few weeks ago did Generator by Bad Religion and I was blown away.
  20. broken22


  21. broken22


    FB_IMG_1535054250293.jpg FB_IMG_1535054257330.jpg FB_IMG_1535054266102.jpg
    Here's the article guys.
  22. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea

  23. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

  24. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    that article is adorable, who knew this band was so cuddly
    inwaves likes this.
  25. inwaves

    the ships have all sailed to the sea