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Bayside – “Enemy Lines” • Page 3

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, May 12, 2016.

  1. kyleadams

    formerly thisisalchemy Prestigious

    I redact my statement from yesterday. After a couple more listens, the melodies are stuck in my head.
    Bryan Diem likes this.
  2. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    You gotta admit it's catchy
    Yellowcard2006 likes this.
  3. Yellowcard2006


    Solid song, awesome album art. Excited for another Bayside album.

    Also lol at the Hotlier ad I just saw on here. Album art is just a bunch of censored brown/green pixels. I feel like they should have made an alternate art to use when nudity wouldn't be appropriate.
  4. Jake Z


    Really solid song as usual. These guys know what they do well and they do it damn well. Why some people here shit on them for that I have no idea.
  5. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Because it gets really really tiring hearing almost literally the same songs over and over and I feel it's not too much to ask a band to change up their sound even the littlest bit.
    Jose likes this.
  6. Jake Z


    Then don't listen to it, problem solved. There are a million bands out there doing every style imaginable.
  7. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The point went right over your head.
  8. Jake Z


    No it really didn't. The band owes you nothing and doesn't exist to switch styles on every release so that a random internet poster might say nicer things about them.
  9. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    If you read my response, I didn't ask them to "switch styles on every release" and I definitely didn't say they owe me anything. What a weird misinterpretation of what's actually there.
  10. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'm also curious whether your response whenever a fan of some band doesn't like the new album is "then go listen to something else, there's a lot out there" as if a band doing what they want puts them above any and all criticism.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  11. Jake Z


    No, it's just that this point gets HAMMERED into every single Bayside thread. It's just old.

    Are you a fan of Bayside? If not, it's fine and I could see your reasoning for not enjoying them. Just curious.
  12. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I like their last two albums because they're what I checked out first but everything of theirs I listened to after that just seemed stale. I've seen a number of people say they liked the band until Shudder, and then it just started to get old; I guess I'm the reverse of that.

    I can sort of see how they progressed in tiny increments until Killing Time, which IMO was a perfection of the sound they had developed, but then they just kept doing the exact same thing. This new song seems so derivative I can't really do anything but roll my eyes at it.

    It's not just Bayside that gets this criticism, either. Off the top of my head, I've seen NFG, TWY, and TSSF get it recently too.
  13. Jake Z


    I get that. And I'm not saying I want to hear the same record every time from every band. For instance, my favorite band is MCS. They bring a different sound with each record but ALWAYS maintain that core sound of what makes them great. You never leave thinking "what the fuck was that?"

    To me, so many bands make drastic changes just for the sake of change and lose what made them special to begin with. I think it's much harder than people maybe realize to maintain that identity but not get stale. JMO.
  14. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'm not a huge fan of MCS, but I agree they're a perfect example of how to do what I'm talking about.
  15. TDenverFan


    I don't think they're as cookie cutter as people make them out to be. This song sounds somewhat different than their other stuff, while still being a classic Bayside song. They're not gonna make a major change between albums, and people would riot if they did. Still, they've grown and improved musically and lyrically, and switch it up just enough between albums.
    Jake Z likes this.
  16. okay but then...they are not a band we like anymore...and that's why? no one's forcing us to listen, but "shitting on them" is a way of explaining why we don't want to listen to a band we loved before.
    FTank likes this.
  17. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    So I listen to this song pretty much every day.
  18. withchappedlips


    I think Cult was weak, but how you can listen to Killing Time and complain about it is beyond me. Album rules from start to finish. They're so much fun, if you listen to that genre of music and don't love them, you're definitely missing out.
  19. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    What genre exactly?
  20. withchappedlips


    I guess the darker side of alt-rock/pop-punk? I mean, I've seen them with Taking Back Sunday, Senses Fail, Man Overboard, The Early November, Better Off, Balance & Composure, Title Fight... so I guess just that spectrum of music in general. I'm not trying to start a major genre argument, I should have just said "that spectrum of music".
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  21. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Oh me either I was just curious what genre you considered them. Personally I've always gone with Emo or Alternative