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Underappreciated Blink-182 Songs • Page 3

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. Yes!!!!!
    Adrian Villagomez likes this.
  2. testtime


    She's better off sleeping on the floor. she's better off BECAUSE SHE FELL RIGHT OFF THE BED!

    their voices used to be so good together. You'd think they'd trade lines more often, but it's very rare in their catalog. Pathetic takes the cake though.
    Adrian Villagomez likes this.
  3. This list is perfect. I'm surprised you have a song from Neighborhoods on here! Every Time I Look for You is one of the best Blink-182 songs ever, and I love All of This.
    I might have to add Easy Target. I love how aggressive Mark's vocals are on that song.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  4. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Don't Leave Me, Going Away To College, Pathetic, Go, Apple Shampoo, Hearts All Gone
  5. GetUpAndrew

    Constant horror and bone-deep dissatisfaction.

    Everytime I Look For You and Here's Your Letter are in my blink-182 top 5 songs.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  6. Rustash


    I've always said both Wendy Clear and Here's Your Letter don't get nearly enough attention.

    I'd probably also include MH 4.18.2011 and, if we can throw in songs from spin-offs, Chapter 13 from the +44 album. I'm a Mark fan.
    GEM37 likes this.
  7. ReginaPhilange

    Trusted Prestigious

    Stockholm Syndrome has always been one of my favorite Blink songs. I have a hard time gauging what's considered underrated, but I'd say the back half of the untitled is looked past a lil too often. Other than that, no specific order:

    1. Give Me One Good Reason
    2. Online Songs
    3. Dumpweed
    4. Going Away to College
    5. Wendy Clear
    6. Anthem
    7. Pathetic
    8. Boring
    9. Enthused
    10. Wasting Time
    11. Boxing Day. Sorry, I like it.
  8. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    I'm confused on what your interpretation of "under appreciated" is here @Jason Tate.

    I would say your going off of popular opinion, but there are some pretty well liked tunes on there as far as these forums are concerned: "Online Songs, Stockholm Syndrome, Every Time I Look for You, Here's Your Letter."

    Are you going for non-singles? After Midnight would be the only outlier if that were the case.

    Just curious.

    And WHERE is "Dynasty Gary" g-dangit??
  9. Butinsmallsteps


    Stockholm Syndrome, Here's Your Letter, and Online Songs hell yeah
  10. GetUpAndrew

    Constant horror and bone-deep dissatisfaction.

    How did I forget to mention Shut Up?
  11. goation


    Dumpweed changed my life when I first heard it.
    Adrian Villagomez likes this.
  12. notbrokejustbent


    Nick Martin, are you me?!
  13. stevenlalonde


    Cool looking forward to it!
  14. bristphili


    Asthenia. GO. Shut Up. Anthem Pt 2 (my favourite). Easy Target. Dysentry Gary.

  15. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    A lot of similar picks in here, really. Glad to see others like some of these songs too
  16. drummerAVA


    It's interesting to see such a large variety of Neighborhoods songs showing up here... I remember at first, people weren't really too sure about the album, myself included, but given time things start to sink in. It wasn't that bad...

    I think Kaleidoscope and Love is Dangerous are quite overlooked on that album myself... plenty of others too, but I've already seen them mentioned.
  17. Kizwiz


    I'll just do it by albums.

    Cheshire Cat: Peggy Sue.
    Dude Ranch: Pathetic.
    Enema of the State: Going Away to College.
    Take off Your Pants..: Everytime I Look for You.
    Self-Titled: Not Now (didn't even make the akbum tracklist out of UK).
    Neighborhoods: Snake Charmer.
  18. Just the basic one: "fail to value (someone or something) highly enough."

    It's a purely subjective exercise, just the songs I don't think people value high enough in the band's catalog compared to others. Doesn't mean I don't think they're fan favorites or popular with people — the band's big enough that I think there's a large group of people that probably like every single song. This is just songs I think are underappreciated. No other criteria besides keeping it under 45 minutes. Really it was just a fun playlist of songs I think should get more love.
    Serenity Now likes this.
  19. btr

    Trusted Supporter

    None of the Take Off Your Pants and Jacket bonus songs are on iTunes or any streaming services
  20. Eric Wilson

    Trusted Prestigious

    "Here's Your Letter" is one of my favorites from their self-titled. Also listened to "Online Songs" the other day and forgot how awesome that one is.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  21. Bob Loblaw


    It's probably been said already multiple times across this site, but it's so great seeing everyone so excited for new blink-182. makes me feel like i'm in high school again when take off your pants and jacket was released. my high school years blink gave me the mark, tom, and travis show, toypaj, and untitled. i can't wait to see them in august.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  22. NationalPhenomenon

    Regular Prestigious

    This is a great list and love the idea of a weekly playlist. I think the only two songs I'd swap out are Online Songs and A New Hope for Roller Coaster and Peggy Sue (Live). The intro for Online Songs has never sounded good to me, which makes it bottom tier for me despite being pretty catchy after that. I really enjoy A New Hope, but I need to replace something to make room for the criminally underrated live version of Peggy Sue from TMTTS.
  23. Scuba Chris

    Newbie Prestigious

    This is so much fun, I've loved reading through the responses and scrolling through my blink library on itunes.

    I've probably always been a bigger fan of the "Mark" songs.

    I'll echo what many other people have said and say that Everytime I Look for You and Here's Your Letter are in my top 5 blink songs.

    I'm actually not a huge Wendy Clear guy, but I would definitely add Party Song and Mutt to my underappreciated playlist.

    Pathetic and Apple Shampoo easily make it from Dammit, it's so hard to pick only a couple songs from that album as the first time I listened to Dammit I feel like my whole perspective on music changed. I was a freshman in high school who liked rock music but still mixed in a lot of pop, rap, R&B. After Dammit I feel like everything changed.

    I would also add Degenerate, not sure why I love it so much, but I do.

    Wasting Time is an obvious addition to this playlist. I'm also going to add Ben Wah Balls because that song is hilarious and it I feel it really encapsulates early funtime Blink. I'm going to add Family Reunion here too, any Blink playlist without that is just a waste.

    Stockholm Syndrome and Go are two more easy additions for me from the self-titled, these two are amazing.

    And last, as a representative of Neighborhoods, Heart's All Gone makes the list. Yeah, this list is mostly Mark songs.
  24. crunchprank Prestigious

    I was waiting for someone to say I'm Lost Without You.

    If we're talking about older, I'm Sorry is a jam - probably in my top 3 Blink songs.
    GEM37 likes this.
  25. EasyBang


    That's so weird to me, haha, I think the intro to "Online Songs" is up there with their best. What do you not like about it?