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Brand New - Science Fiction (August 17, 2017) [ARCHIVED] Album • Page 119

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Dirty Sanchez, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    You're off to a great start
    Joe4th and KidLightning like this.
  2. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Daisy gets way too much hate, people talk about it like it's I Don't Think It Is
  3. blakebeats


    I Don't plan to stay long anyway
  4. "451" is the song I've wanted to hear since the demos leaked. That chorus.
  5. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Joe4th likes this.
  6. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    Gonna be a grower, but after a few listens I'm really, really liking this.
  7. I feel good that I had to think for a second to remember what album that was. Feel good I forgot.
  8. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    But seriously... Anyone have the link for the lyrics thing people were making?

    I feel like my last post got buried.
  9. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I have it on good authority that Jesse plays wow
    Mister Lyrical likes this.
  10. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    airik625 and Greg like this.
  11. disambigujason

    Trusted Supporter

    Greg likes this.
  12. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Kevin360 and js977 like this.
  13. disambigujason

    Trusted Supporter

    on my second listen now. wasn't exactly what i expected based on everyone's comments, and theres a track or two i don't really care for, but man this is good. really really impressed with the guitar all over this.
  14. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

  15. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    Yeah, it’s rare to like an album this much much on first listen, but know it’s only going to grow on you. Although it’s the second time for me this year, actually in a month, after ABMTTS.
  16. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    What always made TDAG my favorite album was how dark and chaotic it was. This album is dark but it isn't chaotic, there's a method to the darkness here. It's more thought out, more mature, more what's the word I'm looking for....TDAG is a crazy fucker who runs into battle and goes wild, science fiction is the guy who calculates his every move from the back and stealth kills. What I'm saying is, TDAG is a fury warrior and this is a sub rogue. For you wowheads.
    dadbolt, Cameron, Contender and 6 others like this.
  17. SVXDan83


    You can buy it digitally on their site for instant delivery right now. If you pre-order vinyl / CD, you will also get a download link right away.
  18. blakebeats


    Okay, he might play wow, but that doesn't mean the title is related to wow

    They have Biblical references all the time in song/album titles so I wouldn't be surprised if that is what this is referring too.
  19. SVXDan83


    I can confirm Vinyl comes with instant digital download
    seangt323 likes this.
  20. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Titles can mean two things! Please let me believe that Jesse put a wow reference on the last brand new album, I need this, the amount of time I spent playing wow while listening to brand new in my teens is wild
    Aregala and Joe4th like this.
  21. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    I feel like the BN reddit brought some winners here
    SpyKi, angrycandy, neo506 and 2 others like this.
  22. Folks it's about Magic The Gathering and Zelda duh
  23. blakebeats


    Okay, I'll let you have this. :heart:
    sophos34 likes this.
  24. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I need to buy a switch and play the new Zelda asap
  25. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

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