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Paramore - After Laughter (May 12th, 2017) Album • Page 31

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ramres, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    These are definitely

    hard times.
  2. dogdad


    gonna go to my nearest walmart tonight and trick the night shift into looking for it in the back (and i'll fail)
  3. Aregala

    Blistering Guitar Lead

    You best bless the rest of us if successful
    dogdad likes this.
  4. dogdad


    legit almost worked for ILIWYS, the dude brought it out and everything but the manager was all "nah dude, it ain't friday"

    BUT that was at like 3pm...
    Dirty Sanchez and Aregala like this.
  5. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I don't care if this leaks. It was only announced 3 weeks ago, so I'm not dying from anticipation or anything. I can wait 4 more days.
  6. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'm just bored musically right now so I wanted to hear it ha, I guess I can listen to the new feist record again haha
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  7. RobbieBerns

    @robbieberns Prestigious

    Perfume Genius, Forest Swords, Pond, Cayetana, Slowdive are all great albums from Friday that are worth checking out. And that's just from the top of my head.
  8. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    there were a half dozen really great records that came out last week, there's nothing to be bored about
  9. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    we had emperor x come out on friday if anyone is bored with music listen to that a couple dozen times
    Joe4th likes this.
  10. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    Who are all these bands lol
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  11. RobbieBerns

    @robbieberns Prestigious

  12. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    Riyl? Honestly the first time I've heard these names
  13. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    That person who posted the pic of the CD's entire twitter is gone btw so that's....ominous.
    Aregala and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  14. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    emperor x: RIYL one of the hotelier's biggest influences and one of the best acts in history
    cayetana: really great female led indie punk
    perfume genius: amazing queer indie rock
    slowdive: one of the originators of dreampop and shoegaze
    forest swords: super organic eerie electronic music
    ChiliTacos and Turkeylegz like this.
  15. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    Damn is still awesome as well.
    mattfreaksmeout and ChiliTacos like this.
  16. RobbieBerns

    @robbieberns Prestigious

    Taking 30 minutes to check out the first song of all the new releases on Apple Music every Friday is the best advice I could give anyone on checking out new stuff. The best place to start, at least.
    Aj LaGambina likes this.
  17. tacobelle


    Which album should one start out with if they're wanting to get into Emperor?
  18. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    the newest album is hands down his most accessible, everything else is pretty weird but i love it all
  19. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    Sadly I feel like my music discovery days are over lol do you need an account to Apple Music? Don't think I've used it once.
  20. Aj LaGambina

    Hey man, we all can't be like you Supporter

    These recs seem kinda out of place in a paramore thread...
    teebs41 likes this.
  21. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    so? people shouldn't be held back by genre, good music is good music no matter what
    there is nothing to be "bored" about right now, especially in the most packed week of the year so far
  22. tacobelle


    Cayetana and Slowdive fall in line fairly relative to Paramore's former and latter sound, respectively speaking.
  23. Jakob Allen


    I think they probably got sick of people telling them to leak it
    teebs41 and bradsonemanband like this.
  24. RobbieBerns

    @robbieberns Prestigious

    If your music taste isn't 100% just open minded and all encompassing wyd
  25. Aj LaGambina

    Hey man, we all can't be like you Supporter

    Cayetana, sure.

    Slowdive? Not entirely sure I hear it.

    Also: @cwhit I think it's fair to be "bored" when this is one of my (and plenty of other people's) most anticipated records in recent memory. Not really looking to hear something other than paramore, atm. I agree with you about spreading the word about new bands, though.